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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1522

What if she was important enough to him?

Perhaps then he wouldn't have chased after Vera and sent her to the hospital. After all, she was already heavily pregnant at that time. Wasn't he afraid that something might have happened to her when he left her alone?

Olivia knew she was being stubborn and trying to pick bones from eggs.

She could ignore many things that had happened in the past and even look past them. She even told Sam that she was willing to wait for him.

However, she could not look past it and lie to herself that time.

She did not want to deceive herself anymore. She should just accept the fact open- heartedly that Sam didn't like her.

Humans had to wake up from the lie they told themselves eventually.

Olivia laughed at herself and said softly as she thought of that, "I know you two are innocent. You don't have to explain too much to me."

She was feeling exhausted, especially right after giving birth to a child. She wanted to close her eyes, not having to listen or think about anything.

Sam could tell that she was tired. He knew that he shouldn't have brought it up at such a time.

Yet, he panicked. He kept thinking that he might lose something if he did not attempt to explain the situation.

Hence, he had to clarify the matter.

"Ollie, I actually told you about it the night I came back, but you fell asleep so you didn't hear me."

She paused as he said that, and she opened her eyes to look at him with a serious gaze.

"Did you tell me that night?"

"Yes." He nodded. "I would never hide it from you. I mean it when I say that I have no feelings for her anymore. Was this the reason why you were emotional during the past few days?"

Olivia smiled sadly. "You guessed it?"

Sam's heart clenched as he didn't expect that her mood indeed had something to do with the matter. He was glad that he decided to bring it up again or the consequences might be even worse.

A pained expression appeared on his face, as if he was in disbelief. "So, the things you have said before, and the stuff you bought for the child..."

"Yes." She did not even attempt to deny. "You didn't tell me the truth. I asked you twice yet you still did not tell. I feel like a fool in our marriage. Sam, I got tired of trying and assuming things on my own."

She took a deep breath and continued calmly, "I am planning to leave after giving birth. Perhaps our decision to get together and get married in the beginning was too rash. It might be good for us to have some time apart."

"No." He gritted his teeth and held her hand tightly. "Don't talk nonsense. I have never thought that our marriage was a rash decision. Even if you felt that way, I didn't. I have always been sincere since the start of our relationship!"

She knew that Sam has always been serious about their relationship. That was the reason why she was willing to stay in the relationship back then. Moreover, she fell for him first. That was why she was willing to give him time to change his feelings about her.

However, the deeper she fell for him, she realized that a lot of things were different from what she had expected in the beginning.

For example, the more she liked Sam, the more she wanted him to be like her.

She wanted him to love her as much as she loved him.

She became petty and didn't want him to look at other women. It was fine if it was just any other women, but it couldn't be Vera.

Although Vera was already a good friend of hers then, it did not mean that she would be able to accept that.

"Ollie, did you listen to what I said?"


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