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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1524

Emma was furious. When Brenda told Emma about Ollie's intention of leaving, Emma panicked.

That same afternoon, she came up with a solution with Brenda.

In the end, the two of them thought of a compromise, which was to use the child to stimulate her motherly love.

At that time, Brenda said first, "I guess Ollie must be afraid that she would get attached to her child the more she interacts with him, and wouldn't bring herself to leave him behind, and that's why she doesn't want to carry her child lately."

Emma said immediately, "Yes. After all, she carried the baby for ten months. That must be it. Let's play along and make her spend more time with the child on her own."

"How are we going to do that? She is too stubborn. I am afraid that the more she's being told to, the more she will resist it."

"We don't have to say a thing."

"Don't we? Then how are we going to do it?"

They then came up with the idea for that night. Sam was dragged into the room the moment he arrived home, and the three of them waited patiently.

He wasn't sure how long he had been waiting in the room. It certainly felt like forever. On the other hand, Emma and Brenda appeared calm.

Sam could not sit still at all.

He had no clue what was going on, which made him even more frightened and was at unease.

When Emma scolded him, he asked in confusion, "Mom, what happened? Why are we doing this?"

"Why don't you ask yourself? What have you been doing to Ollie?" Emma stretched out her arm to grab something to throw towards Sam out of rage, as if he wasn't her own son.

Brenda was on the side, reached out to stop her.

"Emma, calm down. Sam had tried his best."

"If he'd tried his best, this wouldn't have happened. Ollie is almost leaving because of you, yet you are still unaware of what had happened. Can't you think for yourself? You might as well be dead if you can't even take care your wife and child!"

Emma was really raging because she liked Ollie very much, especially that she had given her a grandchild then. She was very satisfied with Ollie as her daughter-in-law and felt that Ollie brought good luck to the family.

She never had expected that Sam would do something that would cause her to want to leave.

He was stunned upon hearing what Emma had said.

"What did you say?"

Was she... going to run away?

Did Ollie want to leave him?

The unease he had been feeling ever since the day she gave birth had finally come true, and that feeling was amplified by Emma's words then.

He stood still in a daze. Not a word was heard while Emma continue to scold him.

Brenda stopped Emma as perhaps she saw how pitiful Sam looked. "All right, there's no point in blaming him now. He feels bad about it too."

Then, she got up and walked towards Sam. She asked softly, "To be frank, both of us don't have a deep understanding of what had happened between the two of you. We can't do anything even if we want to help. It's really up to you to resolve this."

After knowing Olivia's intention of leaving, Sam knew it was up to himself to talk her out of it.

Although he had provided his explanation, it appeared that Ollie was still very bothered by the incident that had happened that day.

"What should I do?" He thought to himself.

He had already explained himself, yet she still insisted on leaving. What else could he do?

He was suddenly at a loss of what to do. He wasn't sure what else he could do to save their marriage.

On the other side, Olivia sat in the room with the baby in her arms, coaxing him gently. Perhaps the child could sense that he was being carried by his own mother. Therefore, the baby stopped crying and stared at her quietly once she held him.

Ollie felt as if her heart was about to shatter as she looked at his eyes. He was so tiny. When she held him in her arms, he felt soft and warm. It was lovely and it was getting harder for her to let him go.


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