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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1542

In the end, Olivia felt dazed as if she had been hypnotized. When she finally came back to her senses, Sam had already kept their marriage certificate.

"I'll keep the marriage certificate for half a year, and I'll personally hand it over to you after the time is up. By then, if you insist on not being with me, I'll stay away from you."

Wasn't it just half a year?

She had left half a year ago, and time had passed quickly. She could give him another half a year to repent.

In fact, Olivia's heart had indeed softened. It was probably because he had actually paid attention to her during the previous six months, so she had her heart softened in no time.

She didn't regret it either after giving in to him.

"Now, let's pick our child up and go home."

Olivia had left alone in the morning to meet Sam, but the two of them returned home together. Brenda thought that they had come to an agreement, so she didn't really ask them about it and just said to them, "The child is sleeping in the room, and he just fell asleep."

"Mom, let him sleep a little longer then. Don't disturb him first."

Was he addressing her as his mother?

Brenda stared at her daughter in surprise. Olivia pursed her lips, seemingly somewhat uncomfortable before she finally announced, "Sam and I didn't divorce."


Brenda misheard and thought that they had gotten a divorce, but after she carefully thought about it once more, she realized that they were still together, so she asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing. I just suddenly didn't want to divorce him, so we didn't file for a divorce."

Olivia mentioned nothing about the process because she was feeling quite dizzy back then, not knowing what she had done until it was over.

Brenda was dumbstruck. After a brief moment, she let out a dry laugh, "Well, isn't that great?"

"It's nothing serious to begin with. You guys had a small fight, so now, get along well in the future."

Sam's smile was so bright that his eyes sparkled, "I get it, Mom. I will."

With that, Olivia and Sam stayed for dinner and brought the child home after he had woken up.

Although they had not divorced, they had had such a big dispute, the atmosphere between the two of them was still slightly awkward.

However, Sam was particularly enthusiastic and treated Olivia exceptionally well. He immediately offered to carry the child after getting out of the car and went to the extent of carrying her bag for her.

Over the next few days, he took great care of Olivia. As soon as she woke up, she would definitely find a cup of warm water on the side of her bed. He had already prepared the water and toothpaste for her to brush her teeth, as well as breakfast. He was like a robot, making sure everything went right for her at the right time.

Although he had treated her quite well in the past, it was not like how it was right then. After enjoying a few days of life where it seemed as if she was a disabled person where everything was done for her, she finally told him, "You don't have to do this actually. Even if you want to make up for your mistakes, you don't have to do everything in such a meticulous manner."

A relationship was about all the small details in life, but at the same time, it was also like flowing water. He could do everything well for her, but how long would it persist?

Sam knew what she was thinking, "You don't have to think for my sake. These are what I should make up to you for. If I said that I want to make up to you, then I will. I'll do all this for the next six months.

If you don't change your mind after six months, I'll do it for you for the rest of my life."

His tone was firm, and Olivia did not know what she could say. She could only sigh in helplessness.

"It's up to you then, as long as you're not tired."


Sam chuckled, "I'm honored to have this opportunity to do so."

He didn't want to go back to living the days without her. He wanted to see her lying beside him once he opened his eyes and got out of bed every day, and to see her petite figure sitting on the sofa once he returned home from work.

Olivia thought of what he had told her when she lay down.


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