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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 1600

Freddy usually displayed a good attitude towards women, and he was a gentleman in their eyes. Even if he disliked a girl, his kindness would never be absent.

The only exceptions were Rosalie, who had stalked Bruno until their dormitory, and the girl filled with frothy nonsense before his eyes, Qiana.

If she wasn't his cousin, Freddy would've taken action by now.

However, Qiana wasn't one to know how to quit as she continued to run her mouth.

"You're in a world of make-believe, thinking that you treat her so well and affectionately. But does she look at you? No. For someone who doesn't have an ounce of importance in his crush's heart, who are you to lecture me? Are there no beautiful girls in your school that you have to go look for one in a high school? That aside, I wouldn't wonder if a brick fell on your head if you have a crush on some beautiful, slender girl, or, at the very least, someone ordinary. I can't believe you have a thing for fatty!" "You shut the f*ck up, Qiana Alston!" Freddy had enough of her diatribe. He slammed the table and sprung to his feet.

As they caused quite a ruckus, Laura and her husband ran out of the kitchen to see what had happened.

As soon as they came out, they saw Freddy and Qiana quarreling, with the latter cursing abominably at him.

"Why should I shut up? Hell, so you can lecture me, but I'm not allowed to return the courtesy? Who are you to slam the table and challenge me, huh, Freddy? Was I wrong? Mashauva is a fatty. Don't tell me you actually like her?! With how she looks like, even if she becomes an adult, no one will like-"


Freddy allowed his anger to get the best of him.

He slapped Qiana in the face.

Even doing so wasn't enough to subside the anger within him as his chest continued to heave.

His palm throbbed with pain; the force was so hard that Qiana fell to the ground. Flabbergasted and reeling in disbelief, Qiana couldn't believe her cousin actually slapped her so mercilessly.

Ears buzzing, cheek burning, Qiana was stunned for more than ten seconds before she reached for her face. The slightest bit of touch was enough for her to grit her teeth in pain.

"Freddy, how dare you hit me?!"

She burst into tears. "I'm going to call my dad, and I'm going to tell your mom you slapped me!"

Freddy snorted. "Go ahead; be my guest. Here's your phone. Call them now. I'll call them too after you're done. Then we'll pack up and go home straight. Forget about using their car; we'll get a taxi instead."

Qiana was stupefied to learn the plan he had been brewing all this while. If she and Freddy were to leave after their ruckus, that would only give Mashauva and Bruno more alone time.

She'd joined this trip because of Bruno, so how could she return empty- handed? If her friends found out about it, they'd only ridicule her.

With that thought, Qiana stood up and dashed upstairs, tears still pouring down her face.

Laura and her husband exchanged glances, taken aback by the major dispute.

After a while, Laura came forward.

"Take a deep breath. Young girls like her will sometimes say whatever comes to mind. You-"

"She's no longer little."

Freddy's voice was cold, deadpan as he said, "Madam, please keep what you've heard and seen today from Mashauva. I'll handle it."

Nodding, Laura assured, "Okay, don't worry. I'm sworn to secrecy."

She had heard Qiana's words loud and clear. She wasn't fond of the girl, for her words were harsh to the ears, and she had no verbal filter.

However, no one should have spoken in this manner. If one said whatever they wanted out loud, how would others feel? Mashauva was as much of a young girl as Qiana. If she had heard Qiana's words and taken them to heart, how was she to live in the future?


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