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Perfect Mysterious Husband novel Chapter 368

Minerva was deeply immersed in her dreams, just like Beanie.

Vera, however, had been anxiously staring outside. It was the first time that she could not fall asleep in the car. She had been staring at the cars that passed them, but she did not see the car that she saw previously.

However, she knew that no matter where the car was, she was still extremely worried.

It was not easy for them to get off the highway. After the car drove into the city, Vera finally saw a lively city again.

This was what a big city looked like. Even after midnight, there were still a lot of shops with lights on, and their nightlife had just begun.

The street lights flashed outside the window, one after another. After several red street lights, Vera saw that there were many local cars around her, and she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if they were all in North City, there were so many cars. It would be more difficult to recognize him. Maybe they were already far away from each other, or maybe Maddox took another road.

After thinking of this, Vera finally let out a sigh of relief, and her body slowly calmed down.

She was exhausted. She had been on guard for the whole night and her eyes were really tired. Vera closed her eyes. She wanted to have a good sleep, so she said, "Nash, wake me up when you arrive. I want to sleep for a while."


Nash responded gently.

Not long after Vera fell asleep, Minerva received a call from Quill. When the phone vibrated, she did not feel it, but Beanie first felt it and he pulled Minerva's sleeve to wake her up.

Minerva looked at him with a pair of bleary eyes and asked, "Beanie?"

"Mommy, your phone is vibrating," Beanie said.

Upon hearing this, Minerva finally came to her senses. She picked up the call and saw that it was Quill.

"It's your uncle calling. You can answer it."


Beanie picked up the phone. Minerva was suddenly awakened from a deep sleep, so her brain was not fully functional yet. Hence, she continued leaning against the car seat and rested. Beanie soon finished the phone call and said, "Mommy, Uncle said that he will wait for us at the next junction."

"Hm? How did you know?"

"I just sent our location to him."

After Beanie said that, he went to inform Nash.

Nash nodded and said, "Okay."

When they arrived at the next junction, Minerva saw Quill's car. He stood not far from the junction and looked at them, his gaze deep.

"It's Uncle!" Beanie whispered.

Minerva glanced at Vera, who was beside her. She was still sleeping soundly.

Beanie asked, "Mommy, should we wake Auntie Vera up?"

"I don't think so. Your Auntie Vera did not have much sleep along the way. It's not easy for her to fall asleep, so let her sleep more."

Hence, the mother and son got out of the car and walked to Quill.

"Quill." Minerva looked helplessly into Quill's eyes. "You're really stubborn. Didn't I say it's alright? Why did you rush out in the middle of the night?"

Quill looked her up and down to make sure that she was unharmed. Then he said in a low voice, "I was worried."

Minerva said, "Try thinking about it, if something happened to me, would I still be able to send you messages?"

Quill said, "I didn't think too much. It's good that you're alright."


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