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Pregnant With The Billionaires Baby novel Chapter 5

Those brown messy fringe hair looked familiar, who is he and how dare he claim me in such manner.

"I said leave before I punch your jaw!" He yelled in a whisper as the guy fearfully left the sit which he occupied immediately, Mel was supposed to sit here with me but I came to the class before her as I wasn't able to wait for her because I already missed alot in the last class.

"Elizabeth let's go outside I need to speak to you immediately" he equally knows my name!.

"Who are you?" I asked curiously but a bit angry as he pulled my hand about taking me out of the class as I yanked my hand off "are you mad!?, How dare you touch me?" I bit my lips angrily as he signed.

"Edde Loxley is waiting for you outside, he needs to see you immediately" Edde wants to see me?, Why… Well I can't still go.

"Tell him that I can't see him, I am in an important class right now" I said facing front.

"He has something to tell you, please come with else I will create a scene here" No way! I don't want that, he isn't a student so he can actually do it and go free.

"Lead the way please" I said as we headed out of the class quietly.

I trailed behind him to the parking lot, his features are very familiar but I couldn't just point out.

"Get in" he said calmly opening the door, I couldn't find Edde inside which got me confused I turned to see him standing behind me!, It's been Edde all this while no wonder I found him familiar.

He was just so close to me which made me feel very uncomfortable, I have never been so close to a guy before.

"Will you go in or you will keep on staring at me?" He asked sternly as I rolled my eyes and got into the car curiously looking forward to what he had to say.

"What do you want from me Edde?, Do you wish to have another round tonight with me?" He scoffed expressionlessly staring into my eyes.

"Look young lady, I don't wish to ever have anything to do with you ever again I just came to sort things out with you, I am being blackmailed by an anonymous folk and he or she claimed that I raped you and they have a tape of it" He ran his fingers roughly through his hair obviously frustrated, wait… A sex tape?, How come about that!, The room was secured so how possible is that?.

"I have been asked to apologize to you in other for them not to leak the tape out, I don't know if you know who my black mailer is and I don't care about that, yeah it's pretty hard for me to apologize to a commoner like you but I just have to, for the sake of my company and reputation" he obviously was frustrated I could see it genuinely in his eyes.

"Like seriously you really think an apology will solve a rape case!?, Like seriously what do you take me for, you have made me go through mental breakdown this few days and you just come here asking me to simply forgive you!…" I was really getting annoyed by the whole situation.

"What the heck are you saying!!?" He yelled angrily making me flinch in fear "I'm sorry if I made you scared, but you know how things went that night!, We where both drunk and you know it happened by mistake so why are you calling it rape, I have lots of ladies that can satisfy my sexual urge so why will I fvck you on a normal day!?" He was right anyways, what will a guy like Edde want to do with an outlandish college girl like me.

"So are you saying that I gave you my virginity in exchange of an apology!?" I could feel tears blurring my view as it rolled freely down my cheeks.

"Why are you making this more complicated Elizabeth, What do you want?, A house, car or money I will provide it for you" he said making my eyes shone in shock, I was disgusted how dare him!?.

"I will just leave" I said opening the car as I headed out to see Mel walking towards me worriedly.

"You got me worried Etta!, Who is that in the car and why are you crying?" She asked staring at the retreating car of Edde as I signed.

"It's Edde, he came to apologize" I said wiping my tears off as she smiled lightly at me

"Oh WOW, never knew it'd be that easy to get him on his knees" Her words where alarming to my ears as I gave her a hard glare.

"So it was you!, The blackmailer… But Mel I told you to let it pass" I Muttered faking a frown at her.

"At least he apologized" she shrugged as I rolled my eyes heaven ward.

"An apology won't seal my hymen Mel!" I muttered as we headed back to the packing lot.



Chapter 5 1

Chapter 5 2

Chapter 5 3


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