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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1009

That order "Shoot!" sounded very aggressive and threatening, but quite some time passed, and there was no sound of arrow breaking through the air. Instead, there were muffled sounds of something falling to the ground. Yun Shang curled up her lips. When she looked up again, some torches had been ignited on the four walls. She could clearly see people standing on the walls and corpses lying on the ground.

Yun Shang looked down at Bao'er, only to find that he had woken up. He didn't cry, but rolled his eyes and looked at the situation in front of him. From his expression, it seemed that he was very excited. He even laughed and clapped his hands.

It seemed that these people would never understand this truth that 'two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it'.

There was a sound in the distance. Yun Shang looked at the place where the sound came, and saw many secret guards frog-march several people over their side.

"Your Majesties, just as you expected, these people hid on a tree in the distance and looked this way, so we caught them," the leader of the secret guards reported in a low voice.

The secret guards threw them to the ground in front of Yun Shang. In the light of the fire, Yun Shang saw them in black clothes with their faces covered. One of them looked familiar.

"Remove their facial masks," Luo Qingyan also looked at the man and ordered coldly. The man subconsciously avoided the eyes of Luo Qingyan and Yun Shang.

The secret guards quickly took off their masks. As Yun Shang had expected, the man who looked familiar was Zheng Qiming. The rest of them looked strange. They were probably Zheng Qiming's guards.

At the sight of him, Yun Shang noticed that a stern look immediately appaered on Luo Qingyan's face. He sneered and ordered in a cold voice, "Kill him!"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Qiming seemed to tremble all over, but he then looked up at Yun Shang. Yun Shang frowned, feeling that there was something meaningful in his eyes.

Yun Shang held Luo Qingyan's hand and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, please calm down. I want to take him back for interrogation."

Luo Qingyan turned to look at Yun Shang with a frown and doubt. Yun Shang said smilingly, "Now that they are all in our hands, what should we be afraid of?" Actually she was really curious about why Zheng Qiming killed his master and betrayed Luo Qingyan.

Luo Qingyan nodded and ordered the secret guards, "Take them all back."

The secret guards responded, and took the group of people to go back to the palace. The secret guards changed another carriages for Yun Shang and Luo Qingyan. They then sped up and went on the way back. The journey was finally smooth.

As soon as they were back, Yun Shang asked Qian Zhuo to take Bao'er to rest. Then she rushed to a secret prison with Luo Qingyan.

There were many secrets in the palace, and the dark prison was one of them. Some people that were not easy to deal with in public often quietly disappeared into the dark prison. And the most hidden prison was under the Taiji Palace.

Yun Shang watched Luo Qingyan open the mechanism and they both walked down together. The dark prison was surrounded by stones with torches around to give light. Yun Shang saw that they had been tied to the shelf with thick iron chains.

Yun Shang walked to a chair and sat down. She looked at the people on the shelf and said with a smile, "Dr. Zheng, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Zheng Qiming smiled without any timidity, "Are you sure, your majesty, that you want to talk to me in front of so many people? Aren't you afraid that others will know something you don't want to make public? "

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows in surprise. There were two things that surprised her. One was that Zheng Qiming's expression at the moment was quite different as he looked just now. When he first heard that Luo Qingyan ordered to kill him, he looked extremely scared. But in the blink of an eye, he became so bold and reckless.

The other was that Zheng Qiming's voice was a little hoarse and he seemed to be thinner than two months ago. Could it be that he was not treated well under Xia Houjing's command?

Yun Shang thought for a while and smiled, "Doctor Zheng, you must be kidding. Is there anything I need to hide from anyone else now?"

Zheng Qiming didn't respond. He just slightly turned his head and looked in the distance.

Yun Shang continued, "I'm curious. I don't know what benefits Xia Houjing has given to Dr. Zheng, so that he abandoned his master and even killed his teacher who had raised him up for so many years. I've been thinking about it recently. I don't know why Dr. Zheng's heart is so dark." Zheng Qiming smiled, "Your majesty want to know about it? But there's no wine or food here, and I'm not in the mood to talk about the old days with you."

Yun Shang's eyebrows knitted together in vigilance. Zheng Qiming had been hinting her to interrogate him alone from beginning. She wondered what was wrong with it.

Yun Shang raised her hand to touch the earrings on her ears, and turned to look at Luo Qingyan, who kept silent there. Luo Qingyan also seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, Yun Shang only heard the crackling of the torches on the wall. Luo Qingyan suddenly ordered, "Guards, take the other people out. I want to interrogate this person alone."

The secret guards answered in a hurry. He untied the other people and took them to the stone prison inside.


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