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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1028

Seeing the tears in her eyes, Yun Shang couldn't help laughing. She patted on her shoulder and said, "Look at you. We have been full of danger in the palace. Aren't we scared every step? I didn't see you in such a hurry at that time. I have many secret guards with me. Nothing will happen. Don't worry."

Pei Lan wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, lowered her head and said shyly, "How can it be so terrible in the palace? I feel flustered just by hearing the deafening sound outside."

Yun Shang looked at Pei Lan with a smile, "You have to get used to it as soon as possible, because we will have to stay in this battlefield for a long time." As Yun Shang spoke, she stepped into the main room and asked softly, "Where is Bao'er? Is he scared? "

Pei Lan shook her head. Thinking of the Prince, Pei Lan couldn't help exclaiming, "Your majesty, you don't know how wonderful it is. The Prince is not scared at all. On the contrary, he is quite excited. He was rolling on the bed, laughing so happily."

"A heartless boy," Yun Shang shook her head and murmured. When she entered the room, she saw Bao'er rolling on the bed and giggling. It seemed that he liked the noise outside very much.

Seeing that he was having a good time, Yun Shang left quietly and went to the study.

Since they came to the Lingxi City, Yun Shang had put a map everywhere. She sat down at the desk and looked up at Pei Lan, "Go and make a cup of tea for me." Pei Lan obeyed, and replied, "I'll make a cup of chrysanthemum tea for you. It's good in clearing away heat and improving eyesight. You have been reading all day long, and your eyes can't stand it."

Yun Shang waved her hand.

Pei Lan left. Yun Shang's eyes fell on the map. Almost all the troops of the State of Yelang were outside the Lingxi City while there were too few soldiers of the State of Xia in the Lingxi City. Even if they relied on the city wall, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long. It was a method to lead the soldiers of the State of Yelang to the Phoenix Mountain, but the troops of the State of Yelang, who she had just seen from the walls of the city, had a very strong momentum. She was afraid that they came here to break through the city.

Yun Shang's forehead knotted in a frown. Just now, she had seen Qian Jun and Lin Shen on the city building, but she didn't seem to see Zhao Yingjie. Where would Zhao Yingjie go if he wasn't there?

Yun Shang's expression changed slightly. She stared at the map and thought for a while. Then she quickly took out another map from her sleeve. On this map, there were many red dots, which were concentrated on the Langya Mountain.

The Langya Mountain was located in the east of the Lingxi City. The mountain stretched for several miles, and the northernmost position was...

Yun Shang's finger swept across the northernmost part of the Langya Mountain, which was a few miles away from the Lingxi City. If Yun Shang guessed it right, it should be at the back of the troops of the State of Yelang.

Yun Shang's hand paused for a moment. Did Zhao Yingjie want to rush down the mountain with the army to form a encirclement? Yun Shang thought for a moment, but the two armies were so different in number that they didn't have the slightest advantage even in the front and back encirclement.


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