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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1034

However, this battle also caused great losses. The State of Xia had also consumed a lot of soldiers. It was okay in the Lingxi City, but outside the city, there were corpses everywhere, which brought some heaviness to the people while they were enjoying their victory.

After staying in the Lingxi City for more than half a month, Luo Qingyan and Yun Shang finished the management of the battlefield and sorted out the follow-up matters. At the end of June, they returned to the palace.

Before they got to the Jin City, the news of the great victory had already spread to the city. The story of Yun Shang's all-sided array had already become the favorite story of storytellers' in the tea house.

Therefore, on the day they entered the city, almost all the people there came out to welcome their happy return. Yun Shang and Luo Qingyan sat in the imperial carriage, holding Bao'er in her arms. Outside the carriage, cheers for his Majesty resounded through the sky.

After the carriage entered the palace gate, Luo Qingyan went straight to the Taiji Palace. Yun Shang went directly to the Weiyang Palace.

Getting off the carriage, Yun Shang saw that all the ladies in the palace were in the Weiyang Palace. It seemed that they had been waiting there for a long time. Yun Shang took a deep breath and stepped into the Weiyang Palace.

Lady Li walked up first, bowed with the others to Yun Shang, and then looked up at her with a smile, "Your Majesty, you have won a big victory on the battlefield. Congratulations!"

Yun Shang smiled and said, "Thank you for your appreciation. I didn't do anything special actually." As Yun Shang spoke, she stepped into the main hall of the Weiyang Palace.

Qian Zhuo and Qin Yi came up, helped Yun Shang sit down and served tea for her.

Bao'er fell asleep on the way. Yun Shang handed him to Qin Yi and said with a smile, "Put him on the bed. Don't wake him up."

Qin Yi answered in a hurry. Yun Shang looked at the concubines who followed her in, rubbed her aching forehead and ordered to arrange a seat for everyone present.

After chatting for a while, Yun Shang sent the guests out on the pretext of the long trip on the way and taking a rest.

After the Weiyang Palace was finally quiet, Yun Shang stood up and went into the inner palace. Qian Zhuo and Qin Yi followed her in. Yun Shang looked up at them two and smiled. She asked softly, "Thank you for your hard work these days. Is there anything happening in the palace?"

Qin Yi and Qian Zhuo looked at each other and said, "It's very quiet this time. I'm also surprised."


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