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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1058

Yun Shang nodded, lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked outside. The carriage was parked at the gate of the city, and there was a pavilion in the distance on the side of the road. Now there was no one on the road.

Yun Shang hadn't seen her father and mother for almost two and a half years. Now they were coming soon, but Yun Shang felt a little timid and a little flustered.

Yun Shang lifted the curtains several times. Luo Qingyan looked at her with a smile, but felt sorry for her. Yun Shang was a little embarrassed by his gaze. She bit her lips and muttered, "Do you think my mother will bring Chenxi here? Chenxi should be three years old, right? I think he can speak now..."

Luo Qingyan couldn't help laughing. He reached out and fixed the hairpin on Yun Shang's head, and said gently, "Didn't your grandfather tell you when he came? He not only could speak, but also write and draw. Didn't your grandfather bring you a letter written by Prince Chenxi?

Thinking of that, Yun Shang couldn't help laughing. "I'm wondering if he is obedient or not. Does he make mother angry? I don't know if he knows me or not."

Seeing that she seemed to be incoherent, Luo Qingyan couldn't help laughing. "Don't worry. You can see him soon. You will know when you see him."

Yun Shang nodded and looked down at Bao'er who was rolling his eyes. She rubbed his nose with a smile and said softly, "By the way, in addition to your grandfather and grandmother, your little uncle will also come. He is two years older than you. You can see him later. Don't frighten them."

Bao'er looked at Yun Shang with his big watery eyes, as if he didn't know what Yun Shang was talking about.

Yun Shang lifted the curtain again and saw figures appear on the road far away. Yun Shang's hand holding the curtain suddenly tightened and said hurriedly, "They're coming."

Hardly had his voice faded away, a minister's voice came from outside, "Your Majesty, Emperor Ning's carriage has come."

Luo Qingyan nodded, and the door of the carriage opened from the outside. Yun Shang saw more than 10 people appear on the road, like guards, and then a carriage. Since it was a little far away, Yun Shang couldn't see the color of the carriage, but she was also very excited.

Luo Qingyan got off the carriage, turned around and helped Yun Shang get off.

Yun Shang saw several carriages in the line, but she didn't know which one her father and mother were in. The carriages were getting closer and closer, so close that Yun Shang could see the words "Ning" on the glaze lamp hanging in front of the carriage.

The carriage stopped not far away from Yun Shang and the others. Yun Shang saw the door of the first carriage was pushed open and several servants got off. Yun Shang's eyes fell on Madam Zheng, and her eyes were slightly wet.

Madam Zheng looked at Yun Shang, bowed to her with a smile, and stood in front of the second carriage and then the door was pushed open.

A light purple dress appeared in Yun Shang's eyes. Yun Shang held Bao'er tighter, and the purple figure gradually became clear.

The woman bowed and stepped forward on the carriage. Finally, she raised her head.

Yun Shang could only feel that there was no other sound in her ears. She saw the woman standing on the carriage, looking up at her. In a trance, Yun Shang's breath paused for a moment. When her eyes met the woman's, she couldn't help but feel a slight twitch in the tip of her nose, and tears fell.

"Mother, mother." Yun Shang's voice was choked with sobs. She walked quickly towards the carriage.

The woman in the carriage was wearing a purple dress and a silver white cloak. She was still gentle and calm, and her eyes were filled with tears when she looked at Yun Shang.

"Shang'er." She called softly, and her voice overlapped the voice in Yun Shang's memory, which made Yun Shang's tears more surging.

"Mother, mother, where is sister?" A little boy in green came out from behind Lady Jin, held Lady Jin's legs and poked her head out. Although the boy was young, she had a delicate and handsome face. He poked his head out and looked at Yun Shang, blinking his eyes. Then he jumped happily and raised his voice, "Sister, sister, you are my sister, aren't you?"

Yun Shang raised her hand and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. She smiled and nodded slightly. "Yes, I'm your sister. Chenxi, I'm your sister."

Chenxi smiled and looked up at Lady Jin. "Mother, sister knows me."


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