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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1073

Luo Qingyan and Yun Shang knew nothing about what happened after they left. The two of them climbed the wall and returned to the palace in a hurry, but the palace was quiet. Yun Shang looked around and then looked up at Luo Qingyan who was holding her behind. "Something is wrong."

Luo Qingyan nodded, "We haven't returned to Weiyang Palace yet. It shouldn't be so quiet."

The two looked at each other. Yun Shang meditated for a moment and took out a flute from her sleeve, sending a message to the secret guard. For a long time, there was no response.

"I'm afraid something has happened in Weiyang Palace. Let's go to Taiji Palace first." Luo Qingyan made a decision at once.

Luo Qingyan held Yun Shang's hand and carefully avoided the guards who were patrolling back and forth. They arrived at the front of the hall. There were two eunuchs standing in front of the hall, who were dozing off. Yun Shang took out a small white jade bottle from her sleeve. She walked quietly to the two eunuchs, and held the bottle close to their noses. The two eunuchs then leaned against the wall and fell asleep.

Luo Qingyan pushed the door of Taiji Palace open, and the two of them quickly entered the hall.

Since Luo Qingyan was not in the Taiji Palace, there were still a few lights on in the hall, but there were no servants on duty. Yun Shang and Luo Qingyan sat down on the steps in front of the dragon throne. Luo Qingyan said, "The matter of the private prison I arranged before must be able to attract the attention of Xia Huanyu. I thought he wouldn't find out it was our trip before we came back. But now the palace is so quiet. I'm afraid something has happened. I'm afraid that Xia Huanyu has seen through our plan in advance, and the secret guards at Weiyang Palace didn't respond just now. They must have been controlled by someone sent by Xia Huanyu."

"What should we do now?" Yun Shang frowned and asked softly.

"Even if Xia Huanyu finds out that he followed the wrong person, he doesn't know where we have gone. We still have secret guards with us. Divide them into three groups. One group will go to the Weiyang Palace to inquire about the situation. One group will go out of the palace and called two or three courtiers to enter the palace, asking them to climb over the wall instead of entering from the palace gate. Another group will go to the palace gate. There are also people we have planted among the gate guards. They could tamper with the records at the palace gate and colluded with other guards to make false testimonies. " Luo Qingyan arranged carefully.

Yun Shang frowned and thought for a while. Then she nodded and said, "In this case, it proves that we haven't left the palace, so Xia Huanyu won't doubt that we went to Liu Yinfeng. But I'm afraid it's not appropriate to send someone to Weiyang Palace. Since Weiyang Palace has been controlled by Xia Huanyu, if we send our secret guards to inquire about it, they will know that we have doubts, I'm afraid it will disturb our arrangement. I have also arranged some spies in other palaces. Since what happened tonight is so serious, I'm sure they have also known it. I'll write down the name of the palace and our spies, and then ask the secret guards to look for them and inquire about it."

"Shang'er, you are so considerate." Luo Qingyan smiled and touched Yun Shang's hair. Then the two of them acted separately.

It was late at night, but the palace tonight was destined to be unpeaceful.

The secret guards moved in different directions, and their speed was not slow. Soon the group of secret guards who went to the palace gate reported that everything had been settled.

Then the secret guards who went to inquire the spies in those palaces returned.

"After your majesties left the palace, the people in the private prison had a conflict with the secret guards who came there as arranged. They fought for a while, but the people hidden in the dark around didn't sneak into the private prison to investigate as your majesties expected. Instead, he went directly to the Taihe Palace and reported to [His Former Majesty. Then His Former Majesty came in person. " The secret guard cupped his hands and reported.

Yun Shang frowned and said, "No wonder. When His Former Majesty comes, the secret guards who disguised as us definitely didn't dare to greet him."

"Yes. After His Former Majesty came, he couldn't find your majesties, so he ordered his men to take everyone back to Weiyang Palace angrily. The secret guards led by His Former Majesty were highly skilled in Kung Fu, and the masters of Weiyang Palace who were highly skilled in Kung Fu were all with your majesties. The secret guards in Weiyang Palace were suppressed, and they didn't even have the chance to inform your majesties. Then His Former Majesty ordered people to search everywhere on the guise of looking for your majesties. But only he himself knew his real intention."

Hearing this, Luo Qingyan sneered, "Have they searched the Taiji Palace?"

The secret guard shook his head and said, "No." "I see." Luo Qingyan sneered and said in a low voice, "He knew he was tricked by us, so he felt that we wouldn't be in the Taiji Palace, so he didn't even bother to search it. He must be looking for Cao Wenxi."

Yun Shang held Luo Qingyan's hand and said gently, "But it's a chance for us, isn't it?"

Luo Qingyan nodded, "yes."

The door of the Taiji Palace was gently pushed open. Li Qianmo walked in the front, followed by a few men in court clothes. When they were about to salute, Luo Qingyan waved his hand and said, "Don't be so courteous. I invite you here today just to protect me. If His Former Majesty comes later, tell him that we have been discussing political affairs in the Taiji Palace since 9 p.m."

Hearing this, they looked at each other. Li Qianmo cupped her hands and said, "But your majesty, if His Former Majesty asks us what we are discussing and why the Empress is here, how should I answer?"

Luo Qingyan turned to look at Yun Shang. Yun Shang smiled and said, "Female members of the Imperial Household are not allowed to meddle with the state affairs, but there is only one exception. A few days ago, Xia Houjing raised his army and rebelled in Liucang City. Although the rebellion was suppressed now, the people around Liucang City have suffered a great loss because of the war, and there is a famine. His majesty received an emergency report and called you into the palace to discuss about the disaster relief. I came here... to ask his majesty to g go back to Weiyang Palace and have a rest. So I happened to hear the matter you were discussing. I felt that as a member in the royal family I should cut down my consumption and set an example. Then we discussed that herbs might be needed in Liucang City."

Everyone looked at each other and nodded, "I see." Yun Shang smiled and turned to Luo Qingyan, "I'll wake up the two servants at the door first. I'll tell them that his majesty is tired and ask them to Weiyang Palace to order someone to send some porridge here."


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