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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 110

Since there were two voices, one must belong to Xiu Xin, and the other to Lady Gao.

Lady Gao spoke again, "I am determined to live up to the expectation of the Empress. After I saw that Prince Shun Qing and Lady Shun Qing were fine, I decided to kill someone and frame Princess Hui Guo. Although it wasn't Prince Shun Qing and Lady Shun Qing that were killed, Wu Qi, after all, is an official. Moreover, I saw Wu Qi's daughter seducing my husband. She is such a minx! So, I asked you to give Wu Qi two sachets in the name of the Empress. I thought he would give one sachet to his wife, but he gave it to his daughter. Regardless, he solved a big challenge for me. The bitch is unable to seduce my husband now."

Hardly had Lady Gao's voice faded away, Xiu Xin's voice could be heard from within the room, "Before the Empress gave the sandalwood box to Princess Hui Guo as a gift, we tested it many times, and the mechanism did work. I don't understand why it didn't work in Princess Hui Guo's hands. The Empress asked me to do something on the peach-shaped carving made of jadeite. When blood streaks appeared on it, Lady Shun Qing would take the carving to examine it out of curiosity. But I don't understand why she is unharmed. I will report everything to the Empress in detail when I return. Your Ladyship, when you are in the front hall later, please ask someone to check the sachets carefully. The cloth and silk threads used to make the sachets are supplied to the Imperial Palace only, and the embroidery method belongs to a servant of Princess Hui Guo. What you need to do is remind Prince Shun Qing and Lady Shun Qing of these facts. They are clever people and are sure to conclude that it was Princess Hui Guo.

"I get it. The Empress has helped me eliminate my rivals, and I should, in return, help her. I know what to do next.

Before Lady Gao could finish her words, Yun Shang saw Prince Shun Qing signaling to the guard standing nearby. The guard immediately pushed open the windows and rushed in. A scream was heard next. Yun Shang narrowed her eyes as she saw a figure in green dashing out from the room and disappearing in a trice.

Yun Shang stood still instead of entering the room. Although she was involved in the event, this was Prince Shun Qing's family affair and she was an outsider. She could not make things harder.

Yun Shang realized Prince Jing was staring at her. But she ignored him. She stood where she was and let her eyes settle on the distant long corridor.

"Prince Jing, Princess Yun Shang, please, come in." Prince Shun Qing's voice came from within. Yun Shang walked to the door and entered the room. She saw a lady had collapsed in a chair. It was a cold winter day, but her forehead was wet with perspiration. She was too frightened to utter a single word.

"My Prince, the servant girl knows better martial arts than I do. She has escaped. Please forgive my incompetence." A guard appeared in front of everyone.

Prince Shun Qing sneered, "I underestimated the Empress as I didn't expect her servant girl to be so competent. I'm going to take vengeful Lady Gao to the Imperial Palace and ask the Emperor and Empress why they hate me so much. If they want me to die, they just need to tell me frankly, and I will commit suicide. They don't need to use plots."

Yun Shang bit her lower lip, and her eyes turned red. She spoke softly, "It's not my father's fault, and I'm the one to blame. I'm only a less favored Princess. I don't understand why the Empress hates me so much and even set this trap for me. My Prince, Your Ladyship, it was me who got you, Mister Wu, and his daughter in trouble. They were killed because of me."

Hearing Yun Shang's words, Prince Shun Qing sighed, and then gnashed his teeth, "I've long believed the Empress to be a virtuous lady who treats the Emperor's concubines and Princess Yun Shang well. I didn't expect her to be so terrible. She is an incompetent Empress!"

Yun Shang was delighted after hearing Prince Shun Qing. Although Prince Shun Qing was only a disengaged Prince, he was the Emperor's uncle. If Prince Shun Qing and Lady Shun Qing stirred trouble for the Empress, even though Li Yiran's position as the Empress would not be affected, she would be in trouble for a long time. Yun Shang figured this out in her mind but acted innocent on the surface. She unctuously squeezed out several drops of tears, "It's all my fault. It was me who brought the peach-shaped carving here. My Prince, Your Ladyship, if anything had happened to you, I would feel a tremendous amount of guilt."

Lady Shun Qing held Yun Shang's hand in both of hers and comforted her for a while. Then she turned to Lady Gao and snorted, "You are the daughter of a concubine and used to be bullied by the Li Clan. Although your husband is unable to inherit the title, I thought your life was much better in Prince Shun Qing's Mansion than at the Li Clan. Why did you try to kill my husband and me? How dare you?"

The lady closed her eyes and sneered. After a long time, she opened her mouth, "The deed is done. There's no need to explain my actions. I don't care whether you punish me or kill me. Just get it over with."

Lady Shun Qing frowned, "You worked yourself to the bone for your sister, the Empress. I don't know what's your profit for doing this. To kill you now, would be a favor to you. Rui'er must be playing in the front hall now..."

The lady suddenly opened her eyes in consternation, "No! You can't! Rui'er is your grandson..."

"Grandson? With such a vicious mother like you, he is sure to be an unfilial child. I'd rather cut off the grass and take out its roots than cherish a snake in my bosom." Yun Shang could not bear to give Lady Shun Qing a sidelong look after hearing her words. She knew that Lady Shun Qing was not an ordinary person. After all, she was the beloved wife of Prince Shun Qing, and Prince Shun Qing's Mansion was completely decorated in accordance with her preferences. Yun Shang then turned to Prince Shun Qing, who was undisturbed by what he had heard. 'I thought men liked virtuous wives,' she thought to herself.

Lady Gao gnashed her teeth before finally shedding tears, "Mother, I beg you, please don't hurt Rui'er, please..."


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