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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1127

The servant of the Shangqin Bureau answered first, "Your majesty, it's because the maid who lives with me in the same room suddenly has a stomachache. I reported it to the steward. The steward gave me a token and asked me to go to the Imperial Hospital to ask to get some medicine."

"It's just that I don't have a good sense of direction, and I seldom walk in the palace. It's ok in daytime, but it's too dark at night, so I lost my way for a while. I saw the Rose Finch pavilion was on a high terrain, so I thought I could where the Imperial Hospital was from there, but I was caught and brought here."

The maid kowtowed to Yun Shang again. "I heard that your majesty is a kind-hearted person. Please send someone to the imperial hospital to get some medicine for abdominal pain. I saw that the maid in my room had a serious abdominal pain and was almost delirious with pain. I was worried that something might happen..."

Yun Shang smiled. That was an interesting reason.

It was too dark at night, so she climbed up to see the direction?

How could see anything clearly at night even if she climbed to a high position?

Yun Shang thought to herself, but she didn't show it on her face. "Really? You are kind-hearted. Don't worry. I will call the imperial physician to the Shangqin Bureau."

The maid seemed to be surprised and happy. She hurriedly thanked Yun Shang, "Thank you, your majesty. Thank you very much."

Yun Shang chuckled and took a meaningful look at the servant. Then she turned to another servant and asked, "What about you? And why did you climb to the Moon Tower in the middle of the night? "

The maid bit her lip and looked a little embarrassed. Hearing Yun Shang's question, she didn't say anything for a long time.

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong? You can't answer me?"

The servant shook his head in a hurry and said hesitantly, "I'm the cleaner in the Imperial Library. When there is no one in the library, I can also read the books in it secretly. Yesterday, I noticed a book in the daytime, and some stories in it were very interesting. I liked it very much. So I hid in the library to read it. But I hadn't finished it when the light was turned off."

"At that time, I was just reading the most wonderful part, I really wanted to know what was going on later, so I quietly took the book out and wanted to find a place with light to read it. But I was afraid of being discovered. Seeing that there was no guard and no other people in the Moon Tower, and that there were several lanterns there, I sneaked up."

The servant paused for a moment and then continued, "In fact, I have done such a thing before. The steward of the library also found me and scolded me. But after that, the steward found that it was useless to scold me. I didn't make any big trouble, so he just ignored me."

"Oh?" Yun Shang wondered, "What kind of book makes you so obsessed with?"

The servant lowered her eyes and took out a book from her sleeve.

Qian Liu took the book and presented it to Yun Shang. Yun Shang took a look and saw the name on the cover of the book.

"What is this book about?"

The servant lowered her eyes and replied, "It's just some stories about ghosts. Before the night break, I was reading the ninth story. It's about an old man who stayed overnight in a temple in the mountain. At night, he heard a wind whistling like a ghost crying, and he heard the gate being smashed. He thought that the monk hadn't closed the door well. However, the wind was getting closer and closer to his room, and then his room was blown open by the wind."

"Before he came to his senses, he heard the sound that seemed to be approaching his bedroom. Then he heard strange footsteps, as if someone had entered the room and were coming towards him step by step..."

"When I was reading this part, the lights in the library was turned off."


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