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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1240

Hearing Yun Shang's words, Ming Hong raised his head and looked at her.

Yun Zhang walked a few steps casually in the prison, tilted her head and thought for a while. "Where to start?"

"Well, let's start from how I spread the news." With a smile on her face, Yun Zhang said, "When I asked you to buy the medicine, you should have suspected it and asked someone to check it, but you shouldn't have found anything wrong..."

"It was true that the prescription was prescribed by Ghost Doctor. But what you didn't know was that three of the herbs were from the Ghost Doctor Valley. And the three herbs will actually produce slight poisons when they are used together. Ordinary doctors usually don't put them together. "

"Among these three herbs, there is a special one. It is rarely used, so ordinary medicine stores rarely prepare it."

Yun Shang smiled and said, "The second master of the Cao clan run a lot of drug stores, so you thought it would be no problem to get some medicine from him for me. But you didn't expect that they would take the herbs from the druggists and that there were many of my people among the druggists. All of my men have a good habit. Like the people from the Cao clan, they are willing to kill three thousand people by mistake, but will not let go of one of them. "

Ming Hong lowered his head and stared at the straw in his hand, without saying anything.

"Of course, this is just one of them."

"After giving me the medicine, the people you sent to monitor me should have seen that I took out several herbs and put them away. You focused most of your attention on the herbs, but ignored the rest. "

Yun Shang shook her head and said, "No, I should say that you paid most of your attention on me, but ignored my maid."

"You saw that I put some herbs away, but you didn't see that my maid hid a piece of burnt charcoal when she went to the kitchen to decoct medicine for me."

"You saw me practicing calligraphy in the study from time to time, but you didn't see that my maid tore a few pages of a book made of kraft paper when she helped me tidy up the books I had read."

"You sent female guards to monitor me when I bathed, but you didn't know that my maid secretly used the black charcoal to write on the paper and the handkerchief when she bathed."

"You knew that I had been fishing by the river and seemed to have gained nothing. In fact, I have caught some fish, but my maid set them free when checking the fish hook. Before setting them free, my maid fed each fish a note. The kraft paper was waterproof and wouldn't get wet. The words on it were well preserved. If someone downstream caught these fish, he might see the "You saw that my embroidered handkerchief fell into the stream and my maid ran after it, so you sent someone to run ahead with Qinggong and chased the handkerchief back, but you didn't notice that when your people came back with the handkerchief to report, my maid secretly threw another handkerchief into the river."



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