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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1316

The envoys were rendered speechless. They looked at Luo Qingyan in silence, with indescribable expression on their faces. However, they were still in other people's territory, so they didn't dare to say anything.

It seemed that Luo Qingyan didn't feel their emotions at all. He kept on saying, "It's not impossible to form an alliance among us. It's just that according to the usual practice, after the two countries form an alliance, they have to sign a friendly agreement to ensure the peaceful coexistence of the two countries and would not fight for no reason. If you want to form an alliance, you can't be the only ones on the scene. At least, I have to see your emperor and sign an agreement with him. "

The envoys of the two countries looked at each other and then said, "But there is a sea to separate us. It will be a long way to go from the State of Youyue and the State of Yihai to arrive here. And the sea is not peaceful frequently with sudden and violent waves. In addition, the pirates are rampant. It's really inconvenient for the emperors of our two countries to come over...

How about we contract an alliance here first and then we send it back to our emperors for their signature?"

Luo Qingyan sneered, "In this way, don't you think it's troublesome?

And I don't even know what's going on in your two countries and what kind of persons your emperors are. Why do you want me to sign this agreement? Don't you think too well for yourselves?"

"Your Majesty, but we have no choice. It was too dangerous for us to cross the large sea. If anything happens to our emperors on the sea, then... "

Luo Qingyan smiled, "Yes, it's true that there is a sea between the State of Xia and your countries. It's a long way. In fact, it doesn't matter whether we sign the friendly alliance or not.

After all, no matter who wants to fight, it's not an easy thing."

After Luo Qingyan finished speaking, he waved his hand carelessly, regardless of the reactions of the envoys of the two countries, "That's it. You can either let your emperors come in person, or let the alliance go.

"Liu Wenan, send the envoys out."

Liu Wenan replied and sent the several envoys out of the Taiji Palace.

As soon as they left, some secret guards appeared and reported, "We have been paying attention to the movements at the post station these days. Last night, the envoys of the State of Youyue went to the Mlngyue House."

"We got the list of all the people who went to Mlngyue House last night and found that one of them is a businessman from the State of Yelang. Besides, his private room is only a wall away from that of the envoys of the State of Youyue. "

Luo Qingyan nodded. This was what he had expected.

He believed that the envoys of the State of Youyue and the State of Yihai came here with ulterior motives.

He guessed maybe they wanted to make a fortune from the rich resources on this continent of their country.

However, they were afraid that their plan would fail, so they specially made two preparations.

On the surface, they were here in the Jin City to congratulate his birthday to show that they indeed hoped to make friends with the State of Xia, while in the dark, they were busy scheming. They were planning to make use of the State of Yelang, which was currently fighting with the State of Xia.

Either overtly or covertly. This was their real scheme.

It was really interesting.

'Unfortunately, they don't know me well,' Luo Qingyan sneered.

If they knew him well, they would never dare to lay their eyes on him.

"Keep watching," Luo Qingyan said casually, "As for those envoys, their female members and the businessman from the State of Yelang, keep an eye on them. If anything happens, report to me as soon as possible.

Arrange this in secret. Select some outstanding young talents in the city and try every means to let them meet the female members from the State of Youyue and the State of Yihai," ordered Luo Qingyan. Then he shook his head and said, "Well, no. It's not easy to control those young talents. Just choose some relatively outstanding and good-looking secret guards instead. Let them meet those women by chance, and then find a way to make them fall in love with them. "


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