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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1361

Yun Shang suddenly stopped and quickly walked out of the main hall. She saw Luo Qingyan enter the gate of the East Palace, followed by a sedan chair.

Yun Shang walked up quickly and fixed her eyes on the sedan chair. But she stopped in front of Luo Qingyan. After quite a while, she gritted her teeth and asked Luo Qingyan, "Have you caught up with him?"

There was a little sweat on Luo Qingyan's forehead. He raised his hand to touch Yun Shang's hair and said, "I caught up with him. Chengye is in the sedan chair behind. But when I caught up with him, I found he was sleeping. I don't know if he was in a coma or asleep."

"It doesn't matter. As long as he is back, everything will be fine."

As Yun Shang spoke, she walked to the sedan chair quickly and lifted its curtain. At the first glance, it was Yan'er's face.

When Yan'er saw Yun Shang, he looked a little nervous. "Aunt, I didn't know it was my brother, Chengye, so I took him out of the palace."

Although Yan'er didn't know what had happened, he knew that something was wrong when he heard that the person he took out of the palace was Chengye. He had been worried all the time, and was about to cry when he saw Yun Shang.

Yun Shang hurriedly replied, "It's okay. Those who don't know the truth are innocent. Now your brother, Chengye, is back. It's okay."

Yan'er nodded and moved aside in a hurry, "Aunt, please take a look at Chengye. He has been sleeping..."

Yun Shang responded and went into the sedan chair. There she saw Chengye lying on the back seat.

Yun Shang took Chengye's pulse, looked through his ears, mouth and nose, bent down and carried him out of the sedan chair, "It must be something that made him in a coma. We need to check it carefully before we are sure."

Luo Qingyan took Chengye from Yun Shang's arms, entered the East Palace bedroom with her, and then put Chengye on the bed.

Yun Shang took out a silver needle and pricked it into Chengye's finger, squeezing out a few drops of blood.

Then she smelled the blood and ordered to get the medicine box for her from the Weiyang Palace. Taking advantage of this time, Yun Shang sat on the edge of the bed and carefully examined Chengye, from head to toe.

Yan'er didn't leave. He just sat aside and talked to Luo Qingyan,

"After Chengye fell ill, Yunhe also got ill. Oh, Yunhe is the child of Grand Tutor Yao's. I saw him two times and he had been sleeping all the time. There was once when he opened his eyes. He just looked at me, as if he had no strength. He fell asleep again without saying anything to me. At that time, the servant who was looking after him said that he was ill and had no strength, so he needed more rest.

When I was planning to leave, a servant for Yunhe asked me about it. He said that since i was going out of the palace, why not take Yunhe with me. He said that Yunhe was sick, and that it would be even worse if he and brother, the Crown Prince were ill in the same palace. He asked me to let Yunhe take my carriage and leave together with me. I saw that he was seriously ill, so I agreed. "

Luo Qingyan nodded, "Yao Yunhe. What kind of person do you think he is during the time in the palace?"

"Do you mean brother Yunhe?" Yan'er tilted his head and thought for a while, "I don't think he likes to talk much. When I was playing with brother, the Crown Prince, he always watched by the side but seldom played with us.

He usually stayed with brother, the Crown Prince more often. He always learned from brother, the Crown Prince whatever he did."

Yun Lhang turned to look at Yan'er, who tilted his head and thought for a while. Then he went on, "I used to ask him why he did so. He said that his father always praised the Crown Prince in front of him and said that he was very smart, so he wanted to learn from him."

Luo Qingyan nodded, "I see."


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