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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1444

Seeing that the madam still wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought, Wu Duona changed the topic and said, "Go and bring me the bronze mirror."

The madam answered and went to take the bronze mirror. Wu Duona took the bronze mirror and looked at her face carefully. Her voice was full of surprise. "Madam, look, there were some spots on my face. Are they all gone?"

The madam was stunned and looked at it carefully. She had been serving Wu Duona all the time. She knew much more about Wu Duona than Wu Duona herself. Naturally, she also knew how many spots Wu Duona had on her face, and even where they had grown could be recalled one by one.

But now, there was not a single spot on his face. What's more, Wu Duona's face was very smooth, just like a shelled egg.

The madam was also a little surprised. Although Lady Mina adored Lady Wanna very much and Wu Duona trusted her very much, she still had some doubts in her heart. But now the fact was in front of her, and she couldn't help but believe it. "Yes, they are gone."

Wu Duona was even happier. "I knew it. I knew she was skilfull."

Wu Duona put down the bronze mirror and looked up at the madam. "Madam, although I'm still favored in the imperial household, both you and I know that the reason why I'm favored by the emperor is not because of me. But because of my family background, I have a father with a strong army.

I also hope that His Majesty can love me with all his heart, but I also understand that my appearance is only intermediate in the palace, and it is not very attractive to His Majesty. Moreover, His Majesty is the emperor of the state, and there has never been a lack of new concubine in his imperial household. I'm still young and dare to compete with them. But what will happen in the future? What about three years later? What about five years later? What about ten years later?"

Wu Duona sighed and said, "I know that I am aging and my attractiveness is waning. In the palace, appearance is especially important for a woman.

Lady Wanna's skill of restoring youth is very attractive to any woman. I was lucky enough to find Lady Wanna first and let her work for me. If I let her go, if someone else finds her and gives her to other women in the palace, or if she is given directly to the emperor, it will be a great threat to me.

I know what you mean. You think Lady Wanna is too dangerous. But madam, I'm confident that I can control her well and hide her from anyone. It's better to have her working for me than to make her my opponent."

The madam kept silent for a while and nodded. "Your Highness, you have thought it very well..."

Wu Duona smiled and returned the bronze mirror to her. "It's settled then. Don't mention it again."


Yun Shang didn't know that Wu Duona and her personal madam had a dispute because of her, and she stayed alone in the yard.

Although she was going to buy some herbs, Yun Shang only told her that she had almost searched out all the commonly used herbs last time. She only listed the names of the herbs and where to buy them, and asked Liu Man to take the servants to go around to buy them.

"There are already some rumors outside, and many vendors are saying that the army of the State of Xia has already set out to attack the Wu Er'he City. Hearing the news, many people in the city were preparing to pack up and flee north. Master, are we going to spread the rumors?"

Yun Shang nodded, "The people in the city have heard the news, and Wu Duona might have also heard it. It's about time."

Liu Man was about to answer, but she felt someone approaching. She made a gesture to Yun Shang, lowered her head and helped Yun Shang look through the herbs.

"Lady Wanna." The Butler's voice came from behind.

Yun Shang didn't move. Liu Man turned around quickly and bowed to the butler, "Butler."


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