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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1463

Although Luo Qingyan knew that Yun Shang was making a serious deduction, he couldn't help but burst into laughter when he thought of that scene.

Interrupted by his laughter, Yun Shang was angry. She glared at Luo Qingyan, "Your Majesty! What I said is true. What are you laughing at, Your Majesty? Such things have happenedbefore. In the past, in many dynasties, there had been cases where the peasants had risen up, and they used such things as weapons. Only a small part of the weapons used by ordinary people were knives and spears made by blacksmith, but most of them were things they often used in daily life, such as sickles, kitchen knives, and hoes. Such things happen a lot."

Luo Qingyan stopped laughing, but there was still a smile in his eyes. Seeing the anger on Yun Shang's face, he apologized, "Yes, yes, I know. I know what you said is true. This kind of thing did happen. I just thought of that situation and felt it funny..."

Yun Shang pinched Luo Qingyan's arm, but she couldn't help smiling.

Seeing the smile on Yun Shang's face, Luo Qingyan felt a little relieved.

"Then what should we do in this situation?"

Yun Shang snorted, "I won't say anything, or Your Majesty will laugh at me again. Your Majesty have always been wise, resourceful and tricky. You must have a good idea."

"Tricky? Why is this word a little different from the first two words? I don't think it's a compliment."

"Think of it as a compliment."

Luo Qingyan couldn't help but smile. Then he meditated and thought about it. He didn't come up with any idea but asked Yun Shang, "Then, why didn't Xia Houjing seize such a good opportunity since we both left the Jin City before? I always thought that he would seize the throne when there was no one in the city and the city was not heavily guarded. But I didn't expect that he didn't make a move at all."

Yun Shang hadn't thought about this question before. Hearing Luo Qingyan's question, she thought about it carefully for a moment and said, "Maybe he thinks that we know he has escaped, but we still decide to go to hunting at this time. It's probably a trick. He knows that we have already set traps in the city. So he didn't want to come to our trap?"

"It's possible. At that time, Xia Houjing hadn't made proper arrangement?"

Yun Shang looked up at Luo Qingyan and said, "Of course, I think there is another possibility. That is, Xia Houjing thinks highly of himself and wants to have a real fight with you when you are in the city. His purpose is you. He feels that your throne is not valid, so he wants to fight with you face to face?"

Luo Qingyan looked at Yun Shang with a smile for a long time before nodding slightly. "What you said is possible. If he wants to have a face-to -face fight with me, I won't be afraid of him. If the second possibility is true, and he was not well prepared before we left, do you think he is well-prepared now?"

Yun Shang shook her head, "I don't know. I just returned to the Jin City. If it weren't for the fact that all the secret spies were observant and reported to Qian Yin, I'm afraid that no one can easily detect this matter.

And the biggest problem now is that we don't know how many such people Xia Houjing has placed in the Jin City. If there are too many people who have been replaced, then we... I'm afraid we are at a disadvantage."


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