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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1469

Yun Shang knew that Wang Jinhuan just made up an excuse to leave, but she didn't ask him to stay. Yun Shang gave him a meaningful look, and then smiled, "You can leave now."

Wang jinhuan rushed out of the Taiji Palace with Ning Qian in his arms. He lowered his voice and sighed, "Alas, I was so scared."

Ning Qian looked down at him with amusement, "What? You dare to snitch on His Majesty behind his back but dare not to let him know?"

"I wasn't snitching. I was caring for him. Do you know? I did that out of care... I'm afraid that His Majesty's health will be damaged. I'm loyal to His Majesty, and heaven and earth can prove it..." Ning Qian smiled, "No, His Majesty's health won't be damaged. Since the Empress has returned to the palace, His Majesty can't go on like this anymore."

Wang Jinhuan raised his eyebrows. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "You're right. Since His Majesty married the Empress, he has become a hen pecked man. He obeys the Empress's orders and is afraid that the Empress will be unhappy."

Ning Qian turned to him and raised her eyebrows, "So? Do you think being a hen pecked man is a bad thing? Are you going to go against my will and make me listen to you? You don't care if I'm unhappy?"

Wang Jinhuan shook his head immediately, "No, I dare not. I'm more obedient to you than His Majesty is to the Empress. I dare not disobey you. But I'm not hen pecked. I obey you because I love you."

Ning Qian smiled, "Stop talking nonsense."

In the Taiji Palace, Luo Qingyan sat opposite Yun Shang and asked in a low voice, "Have you had the meal already?"

Yun Shang shook her head, "I just got up. The servants are preparing the meal."

Hearing this, Luo Qingyan frowned and said, "These servants are too thoughtless. They should be heating the food when you were asleep so that you can have the meal as soon as you wake up.

You haven't had breakfast yet. It's not good for your health to be hungry at this time."

As soon as Luo Qingyan finished speaking, he saw Yun Shang looking at him with a faint smile.

Luo Qingyan paused for a moment and asked, "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"You did a good job when you were taking care of me. Why don't you take good care of yourself?"

Yun Shang was still smiling, but Luo Qingyan sensed danger from her smile.

"What? What? What do you mean?" Luo Qingyan was confused and didn't know what he had said that made Yun Shang unhappy.

Yun Shang lowered her eyes and said, "I've been back to the palace for less than twelve hours, but two people have reported it to me." "..." There were only a few people Yun Shang had seen when he came back to the palace. It was almost easy to guess which two people had snitched on him.

"They all said that Your Majesty didn't eat well or have a good rest when I was away. And you dealt with political affairs until late night every day and have a rest for about one or two hours every day."

Yun Shang looked up at Luo Qingyan and asked, "Your Majesty, is that true?"

Luo Qingyan coughed. Someone had already told on him, and there were more than 1 person who had snitched on him. "When you were not by my side, I couldn't sleep and kept tossing and turning. It's better for me to do something more serious than to waste my time on tossing and turning on the bed."

"You have so many excuses." Yun Shang glanced at him, "What did Your Majesty promise me before?"

Before Luo Qingyan could answer, Yun Shang's eyes widened. "Wait!"


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