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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1478

After the secret guards left, Pei Lan thought it a little funny and looked at Yun Shang with a smile, "The Empress, if you want to know clearly, why don't you ask His Majesty? If you do, His Majesty must tell you. "

Yun Shang also knew that if she asked, Luo Qingyan would tell her without reservation.

But Luo Qingyan had deliberately kept the secret to her and asked her just wait and see. She wanted to keep a little mystery and surprise to see what Luo Qingyan wanted to do.

This was the tacit understanding between her and Luo Qingyan. She can know what Luo Qingyan was talking about from others, and then guess what he was thinking and what he was going to do. Yun Shang thought it was interesting and was willing to play with him in this way.

Hua'er came in with a few plates of desserts. Yun Shang lay down on the bench and picked up a piece of cake. She was thinking about the words that the secret guard's said just now.

Turn every man into a soldier?

Yun Shang thought to herself. Luo Qingyan made the decision suddenly at this time, it must make many people feel strange.

Besides her, their opponents felt strange as well.

She was wondering what Luo Qingyan was thinking. And so did Xia Houjing.

Yun Shang took a bite of the cake and squinted slightly, 'Luo Qingyan knew that Xia Houjing disguised his people as ordinary people and hid them in the city, and quietly waited for the incident to rise up. Did that inspired him?

So, such an order is just for dealing with Xia Houjing?

Yun Shang bit her lips. They had been considered whether they could resist Xia Houjing's people hiding in the city if all Lou Qingyan's soldiers near the city were gathered together.

And last, they came to a conclusion: the number of their soldiers and horses couldn't compete with Xia Houjing's at all, but the soldiers were the most skilled and troops were sufficient, thus they still could fight Xia Houjing reluctantly.

Now, it was the slack season of farming. So, if Luo Qingyan carried out his order, there must be a large number of people would enter the military camp. In this way, the number of their soldiers could catch up with Xia Houjing.

Yun Shang lowered her eyes. But if she could think of that, so did Xia Houjing.

If he rose up early, he could win. Yun Shang always felt that Luo Qingyan had other purposes.

Yun Shang's face changed slightly. 'Xia Houjing will solve it as long as he rise up early?

Did Luo Qingyan do this to force Xia Houjing to rise up early?

Numerous guesses flashed through Yun Shang's mind. After a long time, she ate the whole cake in her hand, lowered her eyes and stood up. "Ask our people to pay more attention to the situation of the city. The two laws of the emperor have just been issued, and they will certainly cause a lot of noise. Ask people to inquire about the reaction of the people and check if there is any abnormality.

If there is anything strange, send someone to the palace and report to me immediately. If there isn't, you just need to send me the information you have collected every day. "

"Got it."

Since Yun Shang hadn't been in the palace for a long time, there were a lot of things which she didn't finish. And Yun Shang stayed at the Taiji Palace all day to deal with these affairs.

She took a nap in the afternoon. When she just got up, she heard a servant outside reporting, "The Empress, Her Former Majesty said she had something to ask you to go."

Yun Shang nodded, raised her hand and rubbed the forehead. "I'm too busy to remember that. I really should go the palace of Her Former Majesty to visit her, for I've been back for two days. It's not appropriate for her to send someone to ask us now. "

Pei Lan also forgot it, "The Empress, it's my fault.


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