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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1484

In less than an hour, all the stewards stood in the yard outside Weiyang Palace.

It was snowing in the yard. Yun Shang put on a cloak and walked out. "You must have heard the noise just now. Now we don't know what happened, but the Emperor has sent someone to investigate. Before the result comes out, please restrain your men. If I hear any rumors that disturb the public, I will punish the people who are responsible.

First of all, kill all the rumormongers. Secondly, whoever spread the rumor will be punished. Since you can't even restrain your subordinates, you don't deserve to stand here."

Yun Shang's eyes were even colder than the snow. "It happened all of a sudden. If there is any news, I will send someone to inform you. At that time, I will tell you what to do in details.

Well, that's all I want to say. You can go back first and restrain your people."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The person who went out to inquire about the news soon got the result. "It's the avalanche in the area of Qi Mountain outside the city. Qi Mountain is made up of many mountains. All the mountains, stretching several miles, have experienced the avalanche. It may be because that it snows more heavily this year, and the snow on the mountains is too thick.

There are dozens of villages, five towns and a county below Qi Mountain. They may be affected. Now the number of victims hasn't been counted, and the loss is unknown."

Standing by the window, Yun Shang frowned. "Qi Mountain? To the east?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

Yun Shang walked into the yard and looked to the east. She could see mountains in the distance.

"That's the area around Qi Mountain."

Yun Shang frowned and nodded, "I see."

Yun Shang stared at the mountain range for a long time without moving.

Pei Lan hurriedly fetched an umbrella and sheltered the falling snowflakes for Yun Shang. "Judging by the noise just now, if an avalanche happened, it should be an extremely powerful one. It must have affected a large area, and many people have been affected."

Yun Shang frowned. After a while, she said in a low voice, "Yes."

Judging by the huge noise, if it really was an avalanche, the people at the foot of Qi Mountain would probably...

Yun Shang kept silent for a while and said, "Go and report to the stewards in the palace that it was an avalanche on the mountain outside the city. The Emperor has sent someone to deal with it, and let them still restrain their subordinates. Ask them not to believe the rumors and not to spread any rumor." "Yes, Your Highness." At noon, Luo Qingyan still didn't come to have lunch with Yun Shang.

Yun Shang lowered her eyes and said nothing. She asked servants to prepare the food and went to the Meeting Hall with the food box.

Liu Wenan was guarding outside the Meeting Hall. Seeing Yun Shang, he bowed to Yun Shang and said in a low voice, "His Majesty has summoned many officials in the court. They are discussing in the Meeting Hall."

Yun Shang nodded and didn't go in. She just walked to the door of the inner hall.

The voices faintly came from inside. After the officials in the court changed to another group of people, Yun Shang could not recognize the voices of the officials in the court. She only heard someone say in an extremely painful voice, "There are about twenty thousand people at the foot of Qi Mountain, seventy to eighty percent of whom live by the mountain. I'm afraid that there is no way to run away from such a big avalanche. And this will definitely cause panic. People who are a little far away from Qi Mountain will definitely feel scared and flee around.

The Jin City is the closest city to Qi Mountain, but it won't be affected. Besides, it is the imperial capital where the emperor lives. Everyone will feel that the Jin City is safer than other places, and I'm afraid that a large number of people will want to rush into the city.


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