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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 1487

Luo Qingyan nodded, "I've heard from you that the civilians in the city were killed by Xia Houjing and replaced by his people. Then I've thought about it carefully. The communication between ordinary people was very simple, and there were only a few ways. They can have a chat on the street, in teahouses, restaurants and brothels.

It's hard to find any clue on the street. But traces can be found in tea houses, restaurants, brothels and so on."

Luo Qingyan explained to Yun Shang in a low voice, "Although it seems that there are many people coming and going in these places, there are still some rules. The number of guests in every teahouse, tavern, and brothel is not necessarily fixed, but the number of guests visiting every day is relatively fixed. It's abnormal that the number of guests suddenly increase and decrease."

Yun Shang nodded and thought it over. It was true.

Luo Qingyan smiled, "Although these things are not enough to be a complete evidence, we can see something from it."

Yun Shang replied and looked at Luo Qingyan with admiration.

She remembered that the secret guard had specially reported that there was nothing unusual in the city last night. Yun Shang thought for a while and asked, "Your Majesty, did you guess that Xia Houjing would make a move last night?"

"Not necessarily last night." Luo Qingyan shook his head again, "My original guess is that he would make a move within three days. A day passed yesterday, but Xia Houjing didn't make any movement. If nothing goes wrong, he should make a move today or tomorrow."

Hearing this, Yun Shang clenched her fists in her sleeves, "Okay, I see."

This opportunity, she and Luo Qingyan had been waiting for a long time.

A servant came over with porridge and desserts. Luo Qingyan came to his senses and said, "I forgot. It's already dawn.

You must be tired and hungry after walking all night, right? Eat something first and have a rest. If

Yun Shang nodded and sat down. She listened to the secret guard reporting to Luo Qingyan while eating porridge.

"In the area of Qi Mountain, the officials sent by the government to rescue the victims and the officials from the area roughly made a statistics of the people in the disaster stricken area. Up to this morning, about more than 4600 people are still missing. No one knows where they are. More than eight hundred people's bodies have been found, and more than 1700 people have been injured, more than five hundred of whom have been seriously injured. "

Hearing the data, Yun Shang lost her appetite in an instant. She frowned and asked, "There are still so many people missing?"

"Yes, Your Highness." The secret guard nodded and turned to look at Yun Shang. "A snow collapse is different compared to other natural disasters. When the snow collapsed, the snow poured down directly. Many people were buried in the snow before they could run away. His Majesty had sent thousands of troops to the rescue yesterday, and saved a lot of people. But there is no way to save those who are buried deeply. It has been nearly ten hours since the snow collapsed. If ordinary people were buried in the snow for ten hours, they would have been dead."

Yun Shang took a deep breath and felt as if something was blocking her chest.


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