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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 194

Emperor Ning's hand trembled slightly at her words. A guilty look appeared in his eyes. After a while, he slowly spoke, "You've never mentioned about your life in the temple before. Tell me then, how was it? Was it good? I feel sorry for what has happened to you and your mother. Your mother trusted your care to me, but I didn't protect you well, not from people nor from poison."

A painful look came into Yun Shang's eyes as she heard the words. Emperor Ning noticed the subtle change in her emotions. He gazed at the Princess, and remained quiet as he waited for her answer. He saw her bitter smile. Immersed in her thoughts, Yun Shang closed her eyes, as if she were haunted by all the nightmares again. When he had almost given up, Yun Shang finally answered his question. She narrated in a low, depressed voice, "When I arrived at Ning'guo Temple, because of the poison, I was barely conscious. During that period, I can only remember that I was required to take medicine all the time. I was even bathed in a medicated bath all day long. As part of the treatment, I was required to do many other painstaking things. After three months' treatment, I finally could sit and talk.

Later, when I got better, though I don't know why, there was always someone sneaking into the temple to claim my life. Luckily, I managed a narrow escape for many times. I still remember some of these escapes. Once, I was tricked into leaving Ning'guo Temple by a novice monk. Lured into a forest, I found many people dressed in black waiting to kill me. It was raining heavily that day, and I could only run in my defense. Many times, I had to bury myself in the fallen leaves, and watch them pass by. I was so scared at the time. I feared that they would find and kill me. I feared that I would never come back to the Imperial City alive, nor see you and mother again. Then all the assassins disappeared. It was dark, and I had to find my way back. On my way downhill, I slipped. After rolling down the hill, I lost conscious. When I awoke, I was back in the temple, and Master Wu Na was at my bedside. He told me that my insides were bleeding." Overwhelmed by sadness, Yun Shang bowed her head, and frowned.

But she chuckled as she continued, "Later on, more and more assassins came. To protect me from them, Master Wu Na found a substitute. Dressed like me, the girl lived in Ning'guo Temple, whereas a place was arranged for me in a little yard on the opposite side of the hill. Finally, I recovered, but the girl was assassinated in my stead, just days before I returned to the Palace." Yun Shang's horror-filled eyes met Emperor Ning's gaze. She sniffled, "Father, I thought I would die there, many times. But it was beyond my expectation that I would return alive.

However, after returning to the Palace, I have also encountered many assassins. The other time, when sister and I were praying at Ning'guo Temple, many people lay in ambush for us in the forest. I thought I was about to be killed, but uncle passed by, and saved sister and I from the assassins. Later, I learned from my maids that on that day, he happened to be returning from a war." Tears welled up in Yun Shang's eyes. The expression on her face appeared sincere and expectant as she retold the story of how she and Prince Jing first met.

Emperor Ning frowned as he felt an excruciating pain in his chest. His daughter should've been cherished and worshiped, as she was the most distinguished woman in the State of Ning. But she had suffered so much when she was a mere child of eight years. His daughter had grown from her sufferings. No wonder she appeared so mature and decisive most of the time, almost unlike a girl who had just come of age. "You've known Prince Jing since then? Why didn't you mention that before?" Putting the brush away, Emperor Ning drew his chair forward and sat down in front of Yun Shang. He looked into Yun Shang's eyes as he softly asked.

Yun Shang flashed a bitter grin. "At the time, I didn't know who he was, nor had the Prince revealed his true identity. And the carriage I rode that day was ordinary in appearance. Presumably, the Prince also thought me to be an ordinary woman. Although saved by him, I didn't do anything that violated etiquette. I merely asked his name, for I intended to send a gift to my savior after returning to the Palace. But Prince Jing didn't say a word before leaving. Later, I met him again at the royal banquet. By then I had realized that he was my uncle, Prince Jing. But I have experienced too many painful things in these past years. I doubted his true intention for saving my life. I thought, perhaps he knew who I was, and pretended to be a righteous soul for his own benefit. Thus, I decided to stay away from him."

Raising his eyebrows, the Emperor contemplated Yun Shang's words. He had sent people to investigate her before, and it had been confirmed that the Princess had encountered many assassination attempts while living at Ning'guo Temple. He had also learned about Yun Shang's substitute at the temple during the investigation, and had doubts about her. But to his surprise, Yun Shang confessed to him about everything.

"Then how did you two get close with each other? Just before your visit, Prince Jing was here. He wanted to select an auspicious date for your marriage." With that said, Emperor Ning glanced at the parchment on his desk. What he had written revealed his view. Every character larger than the previous, read, "KILL. KILL. KILL."

Yun Shang leaned against the back of her chair. She revealed a smile as she thought of why she had relaxed her investigation of the Prince. When she and the Prince got to know each other, her first reaction had been to send Ning Qian to investigate him. But to her surprise, later on, they didn't become enemies. Instead they were allies, as they both wanted Li Clan's downfall.

"If uncle hadn't saved my life, I wouldn't be able to sit here and talk to you, father. I always thought my life at Ning'guo Temple to have been full of danger, as there had been so many assassination attempts. It wasn't until I entered the Palace that I realized that the most lethal thing in the world was not a direct knife. Sometimes the most terrifying threat emerges from the invisible. Do you still remember my embroidery, father? It wasn't my idea, but Her Majesty had asked me to make one. At that time, I had just returned from Ning'guo Temple. After so many years of studying Buddhism, how could I have learned to embroider? But I feared that my lack of skills would upset you, father. I was so distressed by my incapability that I spoke with the Empress. Her Majesty noticed my anxiety, and suggested that she would have Hua Jing make one for me. She advised that I could claim that I had embroidered it myself. At that time, I had no idea that my sister was so talented in embroidery, that all the ladies in the Imperial City could recognize her work at first sight." * *



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