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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 210

Sitting in the palanquin, Yun Shang thought about her wedding ceremony. So far, all the arrangements had been perfect. As she was carried down the street, the Princess heard all sorts of sounds from outside. There was joyful music and the crowd was cheering. She heard people's conversations when she passed by. The commoners were discussing about this most exciting event. Yun Shang wondered what the preparation looked like from outside the palanquin. As the people gasped, whispered and cheered, she imagined that the pomp and circumstances of her wedding must have been extraordinary.

However, she still felt a little uneasy. If she were the Empress, she would definitely do something to subvert the wedding. Since the Empress had asked about every detail for the wedding ceremony, it would be easy for her to find an opportunity to implement her plans.

But she couldn't guess the Empress's actual scheme. Yun Shang decided to take measures according to the actual situation. The person she cared for the most now, was her mother. Yun Shang had sent almost all her guards to protect Lady Jin. Combined with her father and Prince Jing's forces, her mother should be well protected.

The palanquin wobbled all the way to the Imperial Palace. Finally, it stopped. As the palanquin was placed on the ground, a man's hand lifted the curtain and reached for Yun Shang. At the sight, Yun Shang snapped out of her daze. She recognized the hand to be Prince Jing's. She quickly placed her hand in his and allowed him to help her dismount from the palanquin.

She was then led into the Palace. Finally, the Prince and Princess reached Jinluan Hall. After they had walked down the length of the hall, Prince Jing and Princess Yun Shang stopped. Prince Jing knelt and Yun Shang followed. Since she couldn't see much through her veil, she presumed that Emperor Ning and the Empress must be in front of her. A eunuch sang, "The Princess now bows to His Majesty."

Yun Shang prostrated and kowtowed three times. As she completed her greeting, she heard Emperor Ning's voice come from above. The Emperor sounded sad as he spoke, "You're grown up now, Shang'er. I still can't believe you're old enough to marry. My best wishes to you both for many happy years ahead."

Yun Shang kowtowed again. As she sat upright, she heard Lord Zheng announce, "His Majesty has prepared his wedding gifts. He will bestow Princess Hui Guo with a jade pendant symbolizing her royal identity, and a Princess Palace in Her Highness's name. The Princess is also being gifted with a jade pendant symbolizing her new status as Princess Consort, engraved with her title, Princess Jing."

Yun Shang prostrated again and kowtowed as she thanked her father for the wedding gifts.

"The Princess may now bid the Emperor and Empress farewell," the eunuch sang.

"Farewell, Your Majesties." Yun Shang kowtowed to the Emperor and Empress. As her forehead touched the ground, the Princess felt as though she was in a dream. She made a silent vow. From now on, although she would no longer be a part of this Palace, her hatred and revenge would not be dissolved.

Prince Jing stood before helping Yun Shang to her feet. Holding hands, they bowed to the Emperor and Empress before turning and walking out of Jinluan Hall. As they walked down the hall, a bell rang and music started. A procession of musicians played joyful music as the Prince and Princess walked out of Jinluan Hall. The music continued as the Prince and Princess reached the Palace Gate and climbed into the palanquin. Another procession of musicians, guards, and maids followed the palanquin to Prince Jing's mansion.

It took them nearly an hour to get to the mansion. Gongs and trumpets sounded during the whole journey to the mansion. As the palanquin stopped outside the mansion, the master of the ceremony sang, "Now the bridegroom will open the curtain."

Yun Shang heard footsteps approach the palanquin. The curtain was lifted and Prince Jing extended a hand to Yun Shang. The Princess smiled and held his hand as she stepped out of the palanquin. As per the ceremony, a brazier and tiles had been placed before her. She stepped over them and headed toward the front hall.

"Look! They are a perfect match!" There were exclamations and laughter from the commoners. Yun Shang smiled at the good cheer surrounding her. Her life had changed a lot. In her current life, she had married Prince Jing instead of Mo Jingran. She found herself wondering about how married life with Prince Jing would unfold.

"The auspicious time is about to come. Your Highnesses may now enter the front Hall." The chaperon standing beside the married couple exclaimed with delight.

The Emperor and Empress would have arrived before the married couple. And Yun Shang had received a signal from her guards letting her know that Lady Jin had reached the mansion safely as well.

Since Prince Jing was an orphan, and his foster parents had passed away, Emperor Ning would perform the parents' role during the ceremony as he was Prince Jing's oldest living relative* (*TN: In a traditional Chinese wedding, the couple has to kowtow or bow to each other's parents. The Prince and Princess had completed the first part of the ceremony that required them to bow to the Royal family. In this part of the ceremony the Emperor would represent Prince Jing's parents and the Empress would represent Yun Shang's family.)

The celebrations in the hall were less clamorous. Perhaps the guests didn't dare to make uproarious talk and laughter in Emperor Ning's presence. The chaperon helped Yun Shang walk to her spot in the hall. Once everyone was in position, the master of ceremony sang, "The auspicious time has come. The new couple may now carry out the ritual. Kneel!"

"The couple may now bow to Heaven and Earth!"

"The couple may now bow to their parents!"

"The couple may now bow to each other!"

"The couple may now enter the bridal chamber!"

Yun Shang was in a daze during the ceremony held in the mansion. When Yun Shang finally paid attention to her surroundings, she realized that she was in the bridal chamber. The Princess looked around and found herself surrounded by festive decorations. All of this felt so surreal to Yun Shang. Noticing her bewilderment, Prince Jing asked softly, "Are you tired? Do you feel unwell?"

Yun Shang shook her head. She did not walk much during the ceremony. Although the ritual was long, she wasn't too tired. The Princess fidgeted under the weight of the heavy and complicated jewelry and attire.

"Your Highness, it's time to unveil your wife," suggested the chaperon who had been standing beside the couple. Prince Jing nodded and said, "I will."

He reached toward Yun Shang and slowly lifted the red veil. Yun Shang blushed and giggled. This would be the first time that she would see Prince Jing in his ceremonial attire. This would also be the first time that she would look upon Prince Jing as her husband. She demurely raised her eyes and was surprised when she saw the love and tenderness in his eyes. She thought to herself, 'The Prince is breathtakingly handsome in his wedding dress. No wonder all the women in the State of Ning adore him.'

Prince Jing looked at Yun Shang intently before flashing a smile.

"Now it's time for cross-cupped wine." The chaperon's voice sounded again. The announcement drew Yun Shang out of her thoughts. She looked at the servant who had placed two cups of wine on a tray in front of them. Yun Shang smiled and turned to Prince Jing, "After you, Your Highness."

Prince Jing returned her smile. He picked up a cup of wine. Yun Shang smiled and lifted the other cup. They moved closer to each other, crossed their arms, and drank the wine in one gulp.

"Excellent!" Praised the onlookers.

Prince Jing put the empty cup back on the tray, and turned his gaze to Yun Shang. He spoke tenderly, "I've got to go out toasting and I'm afraid it's going to be a while before I return. You haven't eaten anything since early morning. I'll have some food delivered to you." With that said, he looked to Qin Yi and Qian Yin, who were standing beside him and giggling heartily, "And you two will remain here and take care of Princess Jing.

Qin Yi and Qian Yin exchanged glances. Then they giggled some more. "Yes, Your Highness." Yun Shang blushed at their words. She glared at her giggling maids. Then she turned to Prince Jing, and nodded to him timidly.

Suddenly, a knock sounded on the door. The chamberlain reported to Prince Jing from outside, "Your Highness, the guests are awaiting your presence. They want you to join the celebrations."

Prince Jing nodded before heading out of the bridal chamber. Other onlookers present in the chamber followed him out. Once the door closed, Yun Shang looked around and found herself alone with her maids.

Still giggling, Qian Yin approached the Princess. She quipped, "Your Highness, you almost lost yourself when you were staring at His Highness's pretty face. You must be thinking...Alas! It's like a dream! Such a handsome man has become my husband!"

Yun Shang flushed and glared at Qian Yin in feigned anger.

Qin Yi joined the conversation, "His Highness is handsome indeed, but Her Highness is just as pretty. Although Princess Hua Jing is said to be the fairest in the state, I don't think she is half as pretty as our Princess."

"Okay okay. I am the fairest in all of Ning. The jewelry is so heavy, I think my neck might've broken. Help me remove the jewelry." With cheeks burning from embarrassment, Yun Shang stopped her maids from saying anything more. She reached out with her hands to support her head.

Qin Yi and Qian Yin were surprised. They exchanged a glance before laughing out loud. Qian Yin yelled in joy, "Her Highness is shy!"

Yun Shang waited patiently. Once the laughter died down, the two maids helped Yun Shang remove the heavy hair ornaments. They let down Yun Shang's hair and combed it before twisting it into a solemn but convenient bun. This new hairstyle reflected the Princess's marital status. Then they undid Yun Shang's wedding gown, and helped her change into a night dress made of scarlet brocade.

Once in the night dress, Yun Shang breathed a sigh of relief. She had almost been smothered by the wedding attire and ornaments.

"Your Highness, you should at least wear a hairpin and a flower. After the banquet is over, Prince Jing's friends will visit your chamber*. It's impolite not to wear any accessories." Qin Yi looked at Yun Shang's reflection in the mirror as she made the suggestion. Before the Princess could reply, Qin Yi placed a hairpin and a flower into Yun Shang's hair.

(*TN: In a traditional Chinese wedding, friends are supposed to tease the bride and the groom on their wedding night.)

Once everything had settled, a knock sounded on the door. Qin Yi opened the door and stepped aside. A maid entered carrying a tray in her hand. She curtsied to Yun Shang, "Your Highness, His Highness asked me to prepare some food for you."

With that said, she put the tray on the table. Osmanthus cakes, fish porridge, and two serves of appetizers had been neatly arranged on the tray. Yun Shang smiled before taking a seat at the table. She picked up a piece of osmanthus cake, then took a bite and said, "The cake is a little too sweet. Wasn't it made in Yuman Tower?"

The maid bowed her head and answered meekly, "It's made in our kitchen."


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