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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 503

The voice was somewhat cold, but Yun Shang was very familiar with it. A lump came into Yun Shang's throat and she had lost the courage to turn around. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

Wang Jinhuan's eyes lit up suddenly. But after he heard the person's words, he lowered his mouth and looked wronged, "how dare I bully her? You even don't listen to me. Your woman bullied me instead! How do I know you two heartless guys! Oh my God. " After a pause, he added, "well, it seems that I shouldn't come to the state of Xia at all. I'm so sad. I have to go back to the state of Ning."

Being teased by Wang Jinhuan, Yun Shang repressed the surging mist in her eyes. When she was about to turn around, she was held from behind. A faint fragrance of plum came from behind. Yun Shang was surprised. Since when did Luo Qingyan also like the fragrance of plum? It was her favorite scent.

"I'm sorry." Luo Qingyan said, blaming himself.

"I'm leaving. I'm going back to the state of Ning." When Yun Shang was still in a daze by Luo Qingyan's sudden apology, she suddenly heard Wang Jinhuan's voice coming from the side.

"I'm sorry. I'm not with you when you needed me the most; I'm not with you when you were hurt and cried. I won't let it happen ever again. " Luo Qingyan's voice was so gentle that Yun Shang almost burst into tears again.

Yun Shang lowered her head, sniffed and shook her head, "it doesn't matter. I have never blamed you for that."

"I have told you three times. I have to go back to the state of Ning, now. I am very irritated by you two right now." Wang Jinhuan's voice echoed next to both of them again, accompanied by some anxious footsteps.

"Haha..." His words ruined this extremely warm moment. Yun Shang lowered her head with a giggle. Luo Qingyan raised his eyebrows and turned to look at the one who started all this. "If you don't leave now, I'm afraid I'll throw you out myself." Then he let go of Yun Shang and pretended to walk towards Wang Jinhuan.

Wang Jinhuan was surprised at his action. He shouted, "what are you doing? No matter what you do, do not come closer to me. If you come closer, I will shout out aloud that you want to bully me."

Luo Qingyan raised his eyebrows and walked forward a step again. Wang Jinhuan jumped up and disappeared with a sound of swoosh. Then the voice came from far away, "Luo Qingyan, your woman's disguise is too terrible. If you can do it, I'm convinced."

Hearing this, Yun Shang suddenly raised her hand and touched her face. Her hand trembled a little. She almost forgot that she had disguised her look now as a middle-aged man. She smiled and heard Luo Qingyan's voice. "Oh? Let me have a look at your face."

Yun Shang turned around with a smile and saw Luo Qingyan in front of her. He seemed to have been on the way for a long time with a frosty face and he had not shaved for a long time.

When Yun Shang stared at Luo Qingyan with intense eyes, Luo Qingyan was looking at her as well. He frowned and kept silent for a long time. "I really dare not do it. If I did, you would think I'm a gay."

Yun Shang couldn't help but burst into laughter after hearing his words. She lifted her hand to pull her face mask off with a smile and then turned into the room again. Qian Yin had already heard the noise outside and asked the maid to prepare water. When she saw Yun Shang coming in, she smiled vaguely and nodded her head to her. Then she left the room with the maid and met Luo Qingyan, who followed Yun Shang into the door. Qian Yin greeted him softly, "Your Highness." Then she went out of the room.

Luo Qingyan looked at Qian Yin's back with a frown on his face, and walked to Yun Shang who was washing herself. "Qian Yin's arm..."

Yun Shang paused a little and said in a low voice, "the secret guards and her were poisoned with purgatives that day and the assassins chased me very hard. In order to buy time for me to leave that place, Qian Yin ran towards the assassins. Later, when she was found, she was at her last gasp. After she finally recovered from her serious injuries, she was severely hurt and lost her left arm. She has been recuperating these days, and she looks the same as before. But I'm afraid she will never be as optimistic as she was before."

Luo Qingyan clenched his hands in the sleeves after hearing her words. His heart ached as if someone was strangling it. After a long time, he said again, "I'm sorry."

Yun Shang smiled, "I used to think that I was calm and smart, but I didn't expect I would be cheated and tricked so easily. I must be more careful in the future."

After a while, Yun Shang had finished washing. She filled the tub with water and poured it into the tub. Then she pulled Luo Qingyan in with a smile and said, "you can have a bath as well. Look at you, so dirty."

"I haven't taken a bath for eight days." he replied with a smile on his face. Then he started to unbutton his clothes. Surprised, Yun Shang lowered her eyes shyly and whispered, "you take a bath. I'll go out and wait for you." Then she walked out of the bathroom. Luo Qingyan gave a chuckle at her action, eyes full of tenderness.

After going out of the bathroom, Yun Shang took a book and lied on the bed to read it. She stayed there for a long time without turning the pace over. Suddenly, a murmur came from the bathroom, "you didn't prepare the underwear for me. Do you want to go out for me in this way, Shang'er?"

Yun Shang was shocked and almost threw the book on the ground. At this moment, she suddenly remembered that this was the post house, not in the mansion of Prince Rui's mansion. She could only dress casually in men's clothes. Although they were also men's clothes, Luo Qingyan was a head taller than her, and he couldn't wear her clothes.

Yun Shang stood up and shouted to the bathroom, "wait a moment. I'll go to Wang Jinhuan to get a set of clothes for you." Then she hurried out of the door after that.


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