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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 506

"Lord Su, sit down." Xia Huanyu frowned and looked at Su Qi with some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

Su Qi had stayed with Xia Huanyu for many years, so he knew him well. Judging from his tone, he knew that the high minded man was already a little annoyed. Therefore, he promptly responded and sat back to his seat, drinking the dull wine one by one.

Luo Qingyan looked at Su Qi and remained silent for a while. Then he whispered in Yun Shang's ear. Yun Shang frowned and nodded her head to Luo Qingyan.

As Wang Jinhuan's whereabouts were unknown, Yun Shang and her companions were not in the mood to have fun, and the atmosphere of the whole palace was a bit gloomy.

Then Luo Qingyan made an excuse to go to the toilet, and left his seat quietly, walking out of the Taiji Palace.

Yun Shang felt someone look at her, and she knew who it was even without looking. She sighed in her heart. It seemed that Liu Yinfeng did have doubts about her.

Yun Shang kept her head down while drinking tea. The dancers in the hall were still dancing trippingly. Yun Shang calmed herself down and only looked at the teacup in front of her quietly.

After a while, Luo Qingyan returned to his seat. He nodded at Yun Shang, and she was a little relieved.

The upcoming banquet was boring to the guests. Only when it was almost over did someone walk up to Liu Wenan and say something in his ear. Taken aback, Liu Wenan bowed again and whispered to Xia Huanyu. After a long while, he raised his head and looked at Yun Shang, frowning. "Lord Wang has been found

Yun Shang had a bad feeling when she looked up at Xia Huanyu. She looked up and asked, "Your Majesty, where is Lord Wang now?"

Hearing that, Xia Huanyu's eyes turned dark slightly. Then he said, "The Zui Feng Pavilion."

Although Yun Shang had just arrived at the Jin City, she had heard the name of the Zui Feng Pavilion because it was a brothel. Wang Jinhuan went to the brothel? Yun Shang frowned. She cursed Wang Jinhuan in her heart. When he came back, she would scold him regularly. He didn't check the situation. How could he forget about the imperial banquet in the brothel.

Yun Shang turned to look at Luo Qingyan, who was also frowning and a little surprised.

Before Yun Shang could figure out why he was surprised, Xia Huanyu opened his mouth again. "But I'm afraid Lord Wang can't get away with it in a short time. When the guards found him, he was sleeping on the bed of a girl, while the girl was killed, lying on the bed."

"What?" Yun Shang was taken aback at the emperor's words. Her face darkened, and a murderous look flashed in her eyes. When she heard that Wang Jinhuan was in the Zui Feng Pavilion, she was surprised and angry. Now when she heard from Xia Huanyu that a girl was killed in her room and Wang Jinhuan was lying on her bed, she realized that he must be set up by someone.

Yun Shang turned to look at Luo Qingyan, and then stood up, "Your Majesty, it's quite odd."

"Odd?" With a smile, Xia Huanyu said, "where is the strangeness? When the guard found Wang Jinhuan, he was almost drunk. Judging from the smell of alcohol in the room, it could probably make those who were not good at drinking drunk all night. Lord Wang is so drunk that he cannot remember what he has done."

Yun Shang shook her head. "Your Majesty, you don't know. Lord Wang has always been confident of his appearance. He has never showed any interest in women whose looks are inferior to his. I think it is very strange because if the top showgirl doesn't look as good as Lord Wang, he won't accept her, let alone drinking with her. Since he wouldn't even talk with her, why did he fall asleep in her room? "

"You're being unreasonable." Su Qi snorted coldly.


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