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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 509

Yun Shang nodded, "the Seven-day Drunk makes one look like drunk in the following seven days. What people do is completely different after getting drunk. Some people will cry, some will laugh, and some will gossip. So we don't know what happened that day in the woman's room. Is Wang Jinhuan the real killer or not?"

"Things are really troublesome." Luo Qingyan smiled coldly.

"I'll go to the pharmacy tomorrow. The Seven-day Drunk is not common to buy, and the medicines are of complex effect. The one who drugged him may not know that we know about it, maybe they will not be wary of it. Maybe they just found a pharmacy to buy some. Maybe we will find some clues there." Yun Shang comforted him softly.

Luo Qingyan stood up with Yun Shang, "it's late. Go to bed early."

The next morning, when Yun Shang woke up, Luo Qingyan was no longer in the room. Qian Yin was tidying up the cupboard. Looking at her working with only one hand, Yun Shang felt a slight pain in her heart. She sat up and whispered, "Qian Yin."

Qian Yin walked to Yun Shang's bed and said with a smile, "Your Highness is awake."

Yun Shang replied, "I need to go out now. Go and get the carriage ready."

Qian Yin hurriedly nodded, turned around and left the room. Yun Shang got up from the bed, put on a black dress, washed herself, and tied up her hair.

When Qian Yin came in again, a maid followed behind her. She was holding a plate, on which placed some cakes and a bowl of porridge. "Your Highness, please have something to eat first."

Yun Shang walked to the table and sat down. "When did he leave? Has he had meal? "

Qian Yin replied promptly, "It has been two hours. And his highness has eaten."

Yun Shang felt a little more relieved. She ate some food in a hurry and went out of the inn, heading for the biggest pharmacy in the city.

"Sir, do you have any of these herbs?" Yun Shang took out a piece of paper from her sleeve and handed it to the pharmacist. The list was all the herbs for making the Seven-day Drunk.

The shopkeeper took the prescription from Yun Shang's hand. He stared at it for a while and said, "the other two herbs, we don't have them here. But we have the other herbs on the list."

Yun Shang's eyes fell on the two herbs mentioned by the shop owner. She stared at the herbs for a few seconds. These herbs were the matsutake and the lotus flower.

"One of the two herbs can be found in the northwest part of the state of Yelang, while the other kind can only be found in the southwest part of the state of Ning. They are very rare." The shop owner was quick to explain. "But I don't know what's the use with your prescription. I remember that some days ago someone also came here and asked about the two herbs."

Yun Shang was taken aback at the shop owner's words. But her lips curled into a smile. 'What a nice coincidence!'.

"Did anyone else ask about these two kinds of herbs? Sir, do you still remember what the person looks like? If you remember, I'd like to ask him if he has found the two herbs. If he had found them, I'll ask where he bought them."

The shopkeeper frowned and tried hard to recall. Then he shook his head and said, "I don't remember. I only vaguely remembered that it was a woman. It's just that she's not pretty and she dressed like an ordinary woman, so I don't remember. But I do know where to get them. There is a small shop in the west of the city. It's on the San Cun Alley. The shop sells strange goods.

Yun Shang heard him and expressed her thanks, "thank you very much, sir. Please pack the other herbs for me. I'll be back soon to take them."

The shopkeeper said yes and handed the prescription to the attendant. Then Yun Shang left and walked towards the place as the shopkeeper told her.


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