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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 550

As time went by, Yun Shang successfully fell into the empress' scheme step by step. The empress had already connected with Lady Shu in private a long time ago. In Xia Huanyu's opinion, lady Shu, who had done such a great thing in the past, was the only one whom he was not on guard of and who was cared about by his children while she had no family support. So he trusted Lady Shu a lot besides Liu Wenan. Therefore, it was easy to plot against him in the Shuya Palace. Even if the evidences of Huai Ya was full of loopholes in the evidence, she pretended to be refined not because she couldn't use the purple jade hairpin to lure a doctor to examine the powder, and to tell Xia Huanyu that it was not an ordinary philter, but the Hanshi Drug.

The Hanshi Drug was the forbidden drug in the palace, which could make people change their attitude. When Xia Huanyu knew that it was used on him, he must be very angry about it. Once people got angry, they would easily lose their normal judgment. Now, a servant came to him and reported that the little prince Xia Yunxi had been poisoned with the Hanshi Drug, which was mixed with the medicine that Yun Shang sent into the palace. Seeing this, Xia Huanyu was even more furious about it.

In the Wei Yang Palace, there must be sufficient evidence, enough to convict Yun Shang of her guilt.

Yun Shang smiled and closed her eyes, wondering what kinds of evidences the empress would prepare the evidence for her? The first thing was to prove that the poison was sent into the palace by Yun Shang. And it was easy to prove it. People only needed to ask the concubines who were often in the Xiang Zhu Palace and there were more than one of them who could prove it.

Second, they had to prove that the medicine Yun Shang was originally sent into the palace with the Hanshi Drug, instead of added by someone else after that. Actually, it wasn't very difficult to prove it as well. As long as the shopkeeper of a pharmacy in the city proved this, he could confirm that Yun Shang bought the ingredients of the Hanshi Drug.

Thinking of this, Yun Shang couldn't help laughing. It turned out that it was not so difficult to kill her at all.

When Yun Shang was thinking about it with her eyes closed, she heard a cold voice. She quickly opened her eyes and saw Luo Qingyan standing outside the iron railing with a frown on his face. She was very happy to see him. She stood up in a hurry and was about to say something. But he let out a sigh. "You are always so smart that you don't tell me anything. If the emperor doesn't send someone to tell me about it. I don't know why you was in jail only after this morning."

Yun Shang blinked her eyes and smiled ingratiatingly at Prince Rui, "Your Highness, don't worry about me. Everything is under my control. Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

"Everything is under your control?" Luo Qingyan raised his eyebrows at her words, "if you are already in control, then why did you get yourself in such a messy situation?"

Yun Shang lowered her head to look at herself. Her pink dress embroidered with peach flowers was not messy at all. She looked up and touched her hair in a bun, but felt nothing wrong. She didn't know why Prince Rui said that. She looked fine.

Despite this, Yun Shang didn't dare to say so. She just lowered her eyes and smiled at him.


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