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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 566

Yun Shang smiled at their words. It seemed that Luo Qingyan was well prepared. People are the foundation of the country, and people's belief is the belief of the country. People believed Luo Qingyan was a good man and what he did was not wrong. Then it was difficult to convict his crime for others.

While Xia Huanyu was waiting for Yun Shang in the meeting hall, Liu Wenan led Yun Shang to the hall where Xia Huanyu was reading the documents. The sound of the documents being turned was heard clearly. Yun Shang walked to the hall, and when Liu Wenan stood behind Xia Huanyu, she knelt down and bowed. "Your Majesty, I am here."

As if he hadn't heard Yun Shang's voice, Xia Huanyu fixed his eyes on the documents in his hands and didn't even raise his head at her. Yun Shang didn't hear Xia Huanyu's voice after a long time. She didn't seem anxious at all. She lied on the ground quietly, thinking that perhaps Xia Huanyu was still in the mood to ignore her, and that his highness' situation wasn't as bad as Yun Shang had imagined.

About an hour later, Yun Shang heard Liu Wenan coughing slightly as a reminder to Xia Huanyu that she was still here. After a short pause, Xia Huanyu asked in surprise, "Lady Rui, you are already here? Just now, I was looking at the documents, so I didn't see you there. Why didn't Liu Wenan remind me?'. Get up, Lady Rui."

Yun Shang had a mild smile on her face and said, "thanks, your majesty." Yun Shang looked up, but still knelt on the ground. Xia Huanyu didn't ask her to stand up again. He lowered his eyes and kept silent for a long time. It was hard to tell whether he was happy or angry from his voice. "Lady Rui, you really tame your husband well. How could you let Prince Rui be willing to kill someone for you? This is a serious crime. He is a prince and a royal member. Do you know what kind of stain will be left in his life if he is convicted of such a crime?"

Yun Shang kept smiling and answered. "When I first came to the state of Xia, I heard some old men mention the love between his majesty and the empress Hua. They said that both of you grew up together and had known each other since childhood. Back then, the empress Hua was your majesty's only wife and only one in the imperial household. Your majesty, did you think that the love between you and the empress Hua was so deep just because she was good at taming her husband?"

"How dare you!" Hearing that, Xia Huanyu clapped his hands violently on the imperial table. "How dare you discuss the matter between me and the late empress?"

Yun Shang smiled without fear. "As a matter of fact, I should also call the late empress mother-in-law. The deep love between the emperor and the late empress makes me look forward to it. And the legend has been widely spread among the people. Unfortunately, the empress Hua was no longer alive. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Maybe Prince Rui inherited the deep love for his other half from the late empress and the emperor. It's me who is lucky to get his love. I do hope to cherish this love without any regrets, your majesty. What do you think? "

Turning ghastly pale, Xia Huanyu glared at Yun Shang with angry eyes. Yun Shang had no doubt that without too much hesitation, Xia Huanyu would rush down, draw his sword and kill her.

Liu Wenan coughed to attract his attention again. Xia Huanyu looked away and his hands, which were still clenching the papers, stood out.

"If only I kill you, will the Prince Rui not be distracted? Would he be able to take care of state affairs in peace? Would he not cause so many troubles? Would he not want to go back to the state of Ning again? " Xia Huanyu looked as usual and calm, but he stressed each word as if he was gnashing his teeth.

Hearing what Xia Huanyu said, Yun Shang raised her eyebrows slightly. Did he mention that his

highness wants to go back to the state of Ning? Why did Xia Huanyu say something like that?

Yun Shang meditated for a moment, and suddenly remembered that Luo Qingyan pretended to be drunk and told her that he wanted to go home yesterday in the Long Feng Tower. When Yun Shang helped him up and told him to take him home, he suddenly said, not to go back to the mansion of Prince Rui, but to the Prince Jing's mansion.

Yun Shang's eyebrows twitched. She didn't understand why he said that. It turned out that he said that to let Xia Huanyu know.

Yun Shang looked up quietly and saw the anxious look in Xia Huanyu's eyes. She knew that he valued Luo Qingyan much more than she thought. After all, Luo Qingyan was the child of the woman who once was his favorite. Perhaps he did not show too much care before this incident, as Xia Huanyu thought that he did this to protect Luo Qingyan.

Thinking of this, Yun Shang lifted the corners of her mouth and smiled. "What did your majesty feel when the emperor Hua left? Perhaps in retrospect, his Majesty would know Prince Rui's choice. By the way, I have to remind you, your majesty, I'm just a princess in the state of Ning. In the past, I called his highness uncle. Prince Rui, who was loved and doted on by the people of the state of Ning. He held such a high position as the Prince Jing not because he was the sworn son of the late emperor of the state of Ning, but because he won his title with his own blood little by little in the battlefield. Even if I'm dead, he can still be prince Jing in the State of Ning. When we left the state of Ning, father said that if one day his highness wants to go back, he will always be prince Jing in the State of Ning."

* Red

Translator: HCIO


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