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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 576

Just as Yun Shang expected, the banquet in the Princess Palace was not casual at all. All the important officials and their families were invited. It was almost at the same level as the Palace Banquet.

Before Yun Shang got off the carriage, she saw Liu Jin get out of his carriage with his wife and enter the Princess Palace.

Yun Shang chuckled, "So blatant! Does the Eldest Princess really think that she can deceive everyone by claiming to be a Buddhist?"

Looking at people coming in and out, Luo Qingyan also smiled, "I've heard that the Eldest Princess holds three or four small banquets almost every year, and these people are invited by her almost every time."


Yun Shang raised her eyebrows. "The Eldest Princess is a smart person. She knows how to hide herself and she has the patience."

Luo Qingyan opened the door of the carriage and got off. He held Yun Shang's arm and helped her get off.

The servant had seen Luo Qingyan and Yun Shang the day before yesterday. He walked up and bowed to them, "Prince Rui, Lady Rui, come in please."

After entering the door, the handsome monk also came up, holding a plate with four bamboo cards in it. "Good day, Prince Rui and Lady Rui. The banquet will be held in four yards today. Which yard you will go depends on the card you choose." May I know who will choose the card?"

Luo Qingyan smiled and looked down at Yun Shang, "Shang'er, choose one."

"Yun Shang giggled, "I heard that sometimes the Emperor decides which concubine he will sleep with by picking a card randomly. I'm really lucky that I have the chance to experience it."

Then she reached out her hand and pick up one of the bamboo cards. She turned it over and saw the word "plum blossom" on it.

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows and smiled. "Excellent. My favorite flower happens to be plum blossom."

"Congratulations, Your Highness. Please go to the plum blossom garden."

The hundsome monk said with a smile, "I'll send someone to take you there."

"Then he called a maid to lead them into the garden."

Last time when they came here, they only visited the flower hall and didn't walk around the mansion. The maid cut through the flower hall, passed through a long corridor, and turned right. After a while, they arrived at the entrance of a garden with "plum blossom garden" written on it.

The maid curtsied and said, "Here is the plum blossom garden. Your Highnesses, please come in."

It was in the depth of winter. As soon as Yun Shang stepped into the plum blossom garden, she smelled the fragrance of plum blossoms. She looked around and saw a few young ladies standing in the yard, smiling and admiring the plum blossoms. Yun Shang didn't know any of them, but they all had outstanding looks.

Several men were sitting under the gallery. While they were talking, Yun Shang noticed that most of them were staring at the ladies who were enjoying the plum blossoms.

“Prince Rui.“

Yun Shang was looking around when she heard someone called Luo Qingyan. At once, everyone stared at Luo Qingyan and Yun Shang.

Yun Shang turned around with Luo Qingyan, and saw a young man waving at him. Luo Qingyan said in a low voice, "He is the Vice Minister of the Ministry of Rites, Meng Yunguan."

Yun Shang nodded. During the selection for the imperial household, Luo Qingyan often went to the Ministry of Rites. No wonder they knew each other.

Other men over there all turned around. Yun Shang saw two familiar faces. One was Liu Yinfeng, and the other was Li Qianmo.

Luo Qingyan came to them with Yun Shang and nodded at them.

At a glance of Yun Shang, Meng Yunguan's eyes flashed. He thought for a moment, and said, "She must be Lady Rui, right?

I've heard that Prince Rui loves Lady Rui so much. I didn't know why until I see Lady Rui now..."

Amused by his words, Yun Shang burst into laughter. She turned around and saw Shen Yilan standing at the door and smiling at her. She curtised to the crowd and walked towards her with a smile. "You are here.

Then she saw Luo Qingyan pass a white bottle to her, eyes full of tenderness. "Shang'er, I just asked my servant to fetch the flask. We were in a hurry when we went out, so I forgot to bring it with me. Your hands are a little cold all this time. Take this. If it gets cold, just let the servant pour some more hot water."

Where is grandma?"

Shen Yilan smiled and said, “It's so cold today.

Lady Zhao said that she was too lazy to go out, So she asked me to come and telll the Eldest


Looking over her shoulder, Yun Shang saw no one else. Then she continued, "why didn't you take Yan'er with you?"

Hearing this, Shen Yilan twitched her mouth and

said, "How could I bring him to the place full of

foul atomsphere?


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