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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 603

Hearing this, Liu Ming looked at Yun Shang with admiration in his eyes. He murmured, "I didn't expect to use this method to speculate the number of the enemy. Your Highness, you are really smart."

Yun Shang smiled. "According to the number, your arrangement is very reasonable. Each of our group have 10, 000 more people than theirs. In this way, we will have 80% of the chance of winning. And the other 20% will depend on the situation tonight."

He then continued to talk with Yun Shang for a while, and left.

Another two secret guards came back and their reports were almost the same as the first one. Yun Shang became more confident and smiled. "As long as nothing serious happens tonight, we will win this battle.

But she still felt worried. So she ordered Qian Zhuo to bring the secret guards who had been sent to ask around the Qian Fo Temple and asked them a lot of questions.

After dinner, Yun Shang, along with her companions, left the city. There were no torches in the forest at the foot of Mount Kirin. The palace guards were gazing through the moonlight.

Liu Ming and Yun Shang walked to the middle of the line. After that, Liu Ming whistled and started to climb the mountain.

Mount Kirin was very high. It was winter and the top was covered with a thick layer of snow. Liu Ming said in a low voice, "I've checked the condition of Mount Kirin earlier. I've asked all the soldiers to get two sets of clothes for it, black one for walking in the forest, and white one for marching in the snow."

Yun Shang nodded, "The mountain road is slippery. Tell the soldiers behind you to be careful and not to fall."

Yun Shang frowned and thought, 'I seemed to be too optimistic this afternoon. Looking at this road, I don't know whether these palace guards trained in the Jin city could adapt to it or not.'.

Fortunately they have good physical strength. As it was snowing, they took off their black clothes and threw them away.

After about four hours, they were close to the top of the mountain. From a distance, Yun Shang saw the signal sent by the secret guards at one spot showing that they were ready. Gradually, the other groups were all ready.

According to the plan, they will take down the spot on the Mount Kirin first, in case some other spot send signals to it.

Now other groups are all ready, only this one hadn't arrived the top of Mount Kirin yet. The later they took action, the more dangerous they were.

Yun Shang discussed with Liu Ming in a low voice for a while, and then ordered the secret guards to send a signal to the other spots and let them take action now.

After sending out the signal, they continued to move towards the top slowly.

Suddenly there was a cry from the mountain. Yun Shang was taken aback, and then she saw many soldiers falling down in front of her. Yun Shang frowned and heard someone report in a low voice, "A soldier slipped and fell down, then a lot soldiers behind him all fell down.

Yun Shang nodded and said gently, "Tell them to be quiet."

The secret guard who was responsible for scout the road came back and reported, "They have already started patrolling around the spot and it seems that they are more patrollers than usual.

Yun Shang stopped and asked, "More patrollers? Have they known something already? "

It was almost to the top of the mountain. Yun Shang thought for a while and asked Liu Ming to spread out all the soldiers to surround the top of the mountain and attack it together. Yun Shang also departed with Liu Ming. Qian Liu and Qian Liu followed Yun Shang closely.

Meanwhile, they saw a signal showing that the secret guards who set off in advance had arrived.

The soldiers spread out to both sides slowly and formed a circle, surrounding the top of the mountain.

About half an hour, they heard someone talking. Yun Shang asked the soldiers to stop and hid behind the trees.

"It's only two hours before dawn. Nothing will happen tonight. Maybe they will attack us tomorrow." Said a man yawning.

"Is the boss too careful? Just some people have asked about the sales volume in the rice shops of the city. I think the boss is making a great fuss over a trifle. Maybe they just asked casually. The boss asked us to be more alert and he even wrote a letter to Her Highness. If nothing happened, all our effort would be in vain." Said another voice with a bit of exhaustion.

"Never mind. It was the boss and Her Highness's business. All we need to do is obeying their orders. If they succeed, we will have a good life. Since I was rescued by the Eldest Princess from the jail, I haven't dared to go back home. I don't know how my mother is now. If Her Highness succeeds in seizing the throne, we could go home." The other man answered.


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