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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 703

When they left the imperial garden, Yun Shang lost her interest. After a moment's silence, she turned to Qian Zhuo, "Let's leave the palace."

Qian Yu glanced at Yun Shang and said gently, "Your Highness, do you want me to inquire about the concubine's words?"

Yun Shang stopped and thought for a while. Then she said, "Don't bother to do the investigation. Help me search for some servants who have served Lady Shu and Lady Xian and the concubines who entered the palace earlier than Lady Shu. If there is, gather their information and give it to me."

Qian Zhuo asked in a soft voice, "What do you want to do, Your Highness?"

Yun Shang smiled. "I haven't decided yet. I just want to know the truth first."

When Yun Shang went out of the palace, the carriage was still waiting for her. Luo Qingyan stood outside the carriage with his back towards Yun Shang. He seemed to be talking to someone.

Luo Qingyan must have heard the footsteps, so he turned around. Yun Shang saw the person in front of him was Li Qianmo.

Yun Shang squinted her eyes and walked to Luo Qingyan. Li Qianmo bowed to Yun Shang with a smile, "Lady Rui."

Yun Shang nodded gently. Seeing that Yun Shang didn't look well, Luo Qingyan said goodbye to Li Qianmo and got Yun Shang into the carriage. The carriage was heading to Prince Rui's mansion. Luo Qingyan held Yun Shang in his arms and whispered, "I thought it would be some time before you went out of the palace. But you came out so early. What happened?"

Yun Shang thought for a while and shook her head. "Nothing. I just went to the Weiyang Palace to greet the Empress."

Luo Qingyan was surprised, "Didn't you go to the Xiang Zhu Palace?"

"No, I didn't. I went to the Xiang Zhu Palace yesterday. I would draw attention if I went there too frequently." Yun Shang explained indifferently and didn't mention what she had heard in the imperial garden. Thinking of Li Qianmo, she asked with curiosity, "What were you talking about with Li Qianmo just now?"

Luo Qingyan had a smile in his eyes. "Li Qianmo saw our carriage parking outside the palace. He thought you were in it and came here to greet you. He said he planned to go to our mansion later and didn't expect to see you here, then he threw a note into the carriage."

Yun Shang couldn't help laughing. She reached out her hand and asked, "Where's the note?"

Luo Qingyan took the paper out of his sleeve and handed it to Yun Shang. Yun Shang asked while unfolding the paper, "So you denied and then got off the carriage to talk with Li Qianmo?"

Luo Qingyan nodded. "Isn't he your subordinate? Does it matter for me to talk with him?"

Yun Shang smiled. It doesn't matter, but Li Qianmo had always pretended to work for Lady Shu. Although she is now in the Cold Palace. Chatting with Li Qianmo at the gate of the palace might cause rumors. Luo Qingyan seemed to understand what Yun Shang was thinking. He smiled and said, "He came here to pay respects first. If I didn't get off the carriage, that wound be more suspicious."

Yun Shang thought about it for a while, and agreed him. She looked at the note and thought for a while. Then she rolled the note into a ball with an indifferent expression and threw it into the brazier besides.

"What happened?" Luo Qingyan looked at Yun Shang and asked.

Yun Shang smiled coldly with an unreadable light in her eyes, "Li Qianmo said that Lady Shu sent him a message."

"Lady Shu?" Luo Qingyan was also surprised. "Isn't Lady Shu under house arrest in the Cold palace with many guards? How could she still keep in touch with the outside world?"

Yun Shang turned to look at Luo Qingyan with a smile. "If I let you in and out of the Cold Palace, is it possible for you?"

Luo Qingyan raised his eyebrows. "That's for sure. For me, those so-called guards in the palace are just decorations."

"Yes." Yun Shang smiled, "Those guards could only block ordinary people who don't know kung fu."

"Why did lady Shu send a message to Li Qianmo?" Luo Qingyan asked quietly, taking a glance at the burned note in the brazier.

Yun Shang stared at the door without blinking. She was lost in thought. "Lady Shu asked Li Qianmo to surrender to you."

"Huh." Luo Qingyan gave a brittle laugh and said with a light smile, "Surrender to me? But today Li Qianmo suddenly came up to greet you today. Normally he doesn't dare to contact you frequently though he is your subordinate. If Lady Shu's people saw that today, they must think he was doing as Lady Shu's instruction.

"Lady Shu won't let Li Qianmo do this for no reason. She must have a purpose." Yun Shang looked at Luo Qingyan, pondered for a moment, and said, "Your Highness, why not invite Li Qianmo to our mansion tomorrow? It will be better for us to control in our own place."


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