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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 725

"It could only prove that the jewelry box has been taken away." Yun Shang's voice was calm. The panic and despair she showed in front of Xia Huanyu had disappeared.

Qin Yi was also confused. "But who took away her Highness's jewelry box?" Why did he take that thing alone? What for?"

Yun Shang tapped her index finger on the armrest of the chair gently. After a long time, she said, "I guess that the jewelry box was probably taken away by His Highness. He wanted to leave a sign to me, but he was afraid that someone else would discover it before me. He knew that once something happened to the mansion, it would be strictly guarded by the royal guards, just like now, which would make it difficult even for the secret guards to send any information. That's why His Highness chose such a method to send a message to me..."

"But what does His Highness mean by taking away the jewelry box?" The three of them were very confused.

Yun Shang contemplated for a long while, muttering, "the jewelry box, hairpins, earrings, bracelets... No, No. The jewelry box, make up, pretend..."

Yun Shang's voice paused for a moment, and she raised her head suddenly, "Pretend! That's it!"

"His Highness wants me to pretend." Yun Shang's voice was clear and affirmative. "He wants me to pretend as if I've found nothing and just follow the development of the matter."

Qin Yi and Qian Yin exchanged looks of confusion with each other.

However, Yun Shang had already lowered her head and quickly sorted out all the clues in her mind: the silk ribbon from a eunuch, the jade pendant, no wood oil, and the jewelry box. Yun Shang knew that Luo Qingyan must be delivering some message to her, but she didn't know if her guess was correct.

Especially the silk ribbon.

Yun Shang frowned. The eunuchs in the Palace seldom came to the mansion. And even if they came here, normally the servants in the mansion would lead them to the garden house instead of the inner courtyard. And the silk ribbon must have been dropped there not long before the incident, or the servants in charge of cleaning the mansion would've found it.

In this case, some eunuch from the Place must have come to our mansion.

Was the one behind the incident from the Palace?

Luo Qingyan must be fine, but where is he now? Yun Shang still felt uneasy, as if it was a conspiracy.

The yard they were staying was just beside the previous one. She could faintly hear the sound over there, as if there were many people talking.

Yun Shang sat quietly on the chair, looking down at the patterns on her clothes for a long time.

Not knowing when, Yun Shang heard faint footsteps coming from the yard. Qian Yin and Qin Yi stood on both sides of Yun Shang and looked at the door with burning eyes. After a while, they saw a eunuch approaching followed by two old men with white beards.

"Your Highness, His Majesty ordered me to take the imperial physicians here to feel your pulse." The eunuch said in a low voice.

Yun Shang seemed to be in a daze and looked up at the person at the door. After a long silence, she reached out her hand.

Seeing this, the two imperial physicians hurried forward. One of them took out a silk handkerchief from the medicine box and covered Yun Shang's wrist. Then he put her fingers on to feel Yun Shang's pulse.

The room was quiet for a long time.

After a long while, the imperial physician stood up and another one sat down to take her pulse.

The two of them checked the pulse one by one and said to Yun Shang in a low voice, "Your Highness is weak, and the baby is a little unstable. Please don't be too emotional, or I'm afraid it's not good for the baby."

Qin Yi hurriedly asked, "Will you make a prescription?"

The imperial physician shook his head gently and said, "Evert medicine has its side effect. Her Highness will be fine if she could keep calm."

Qin Yi nodded. The two imperial physicians bowed to Yun Shang again and left in a hurry, so did the eunuch.

After a while, the sound of footsteps came again. This time, it was Liu Wenan.

There was no smile on Liu Wenan's face. He looked at the situation in the room and said softly, "The imperial physicians have reported to the Emperor just now that Your Highness must keep calm. If Your Highness have extreme emotions, the unborn baby would be in danger. His Majesty had ordered the Ministry of Justice and many royal guards to continue the investigation in the mansion. The coroner has come and proved that the corpse was not Prince Rui. Please be relieved, Your Highness. His Majesty is worried that the mansion is not safe and no one could serve Your Highness all the servants in your mansion have died. His Majesty specially ordered me to invite Your Highness to the Palace to live for a few days. When the truth comes out, you can go back to the mansion."

Hearing Liu Wenan's words, Yun Shang looked better, but..

Go to the Palace? Yun Shang raised her eyebrows and thought for a while before replying, "I'm afraid it's not appropriate for me to live the Palace. I think I could just stay in Lord Hua Guo's mansion for some days..."

Hearing this, Liu Wenan hurriedly said, "I'm afraid Lord Hua Guo's mansion is also not safe. Hasn't Lord Hua Guo been poisoned in his mansion a few days ago? Since Prince Rui's mansion had suffered such a tragedy, the murderer must target at His Highness and Your Highness. It is the best for Your Highness to enter the Palace which was heavily guarded. And you don't need to worry that it's inappropriate, Your Highness. You could live in Linglong Palace where the princesses live before they moved to their own mansion outside the Palace.


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