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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 738

When she opened her eyes, she saw the luxuriously decorated bedchamber. A voice with a bit of eagerness sounded, "Your Highness, what's wrong? Are you having a nightmare?"

Yun Shang turned around and looked at her. After a long silence, she said in a hoarse voice, "Oh, Cai Yi. It's a dream." However, Yun Shang was still in a state of shock thinking of the gaze in the dream. She stared at Cai Yi in a daze for a long time before she calmed down. "Give me a cup of tea. Where is Qin Yi?"

With a smile, Cai Yi poured a cup of tea, and touched the edge of the teacup with her hand to test the temperature before she handed it to Yun Shang. "Sister Qin Yi has gone to the Imperial Household Department for some incense which could help sleep. She said that Your Highness didn't sleep well in the past two days."

She was lying.

Yun Shang's hand holding the teacup paused for a moment. Without thinking, she made a conclusion in her heart. After her pregnancy, almost all the servants knew that it was better not to use incense for pregnant people. There had been no incense in her room for a long time, but why did she say that Qin Yi went to the Imperial Household Department to take the incense?

However, if she was lying, didn't she fear that her lie would be exposed when Qin Yi came back?

Yun Shang looked up at Cai Yi and put down the teacup. After a long silence, she asked, "How long has she left?"

Cai Yi seemed to think for a while and said softly, 'About an hour.

Yun Shang raised her head and rubbed her forehead to sober herself up. Then she said indifferently, "I dindn't know I have slept for such a long time. By the way, how is it going in the Neishi Bureau? Do they have any new clues about Qian Zhuo?"

Cai Yi shook her head and said softly, "The rain last night was really coincidental, and many traces were covered up. I went to the Neishi Bureau earlier and found that Lord Qi seemed to be at a loss."

Yun Shang knocked on the armrest of the chair and said softly, "A living people has disappeared in the inner Palace. Will they search the Palace?"

Hearing this, Cai Yi shook her head and said, "It's almost impossible to search the Palace. There are more than a hundred palaces in the imperial household. It's not difficult to hide a person, but it's very difficult to search it. There are many forbidden areas in the imperial household, where nobody is allowed to approach."

Yun Shang rubbed her forehead again. Seeing this, Cai Yi hurriedly said, "The tuckahoe and licorice decoction is done. Do you want to drink it now, Your Highness?"

Yun Shang shook her head. It was just an excuse to send Cai Yi away. "I forgot that I've been pregnant. I'd better not take these medicines. It doesn't matter. I'll be fine in a while."

Cai Yi nodded and stood aside without saying anything.

After a while, Qin Yi came in with nothing in her hand. Cai Yi said first, "Eh, didn't you say that you were going to the Imperial Household Department to get the incense? Didn't you get it?"

Yun Shang raised her head to look at Qin Yi. Qin Yi nodded her head and said helplessly, "The eunuch of the Imperial Household Department said that they can't give out anything without the Empress's permission, so I have to return in vain."

Yun Shang listened quietly and realized that it was Qin Yi who had lied to Cai Yi. Fortunately, she didn't show her doubts just now.

Hearing this, Yun Shang frowned and said, "The servants of Imperial Household Department are getting more daring. I'll go get it for Your Highness."

Yun Shang thought for a while and said softly, "There's no need for the incense, but I do need some clothes. My clothes have almost been burnt down in Prince Rui's mansion. Probably due to haste, the clothes offered to me after I entered the Palace are not my size. And now my belly is getting bigger, they don't fit me."

Cai Yi received the order and left the inner hall.

Qin Yi stood by the window and watched Cai Yi walk out of Zhaoxia Palace. Then she walked to Yun Shang, squatted down, and whispered, "Your Highness, Wang Wanzhi has replied that the person who entered the Palace after us was the leader of the Emperor's secret guards."

Hearing this, Yun Shang clenched her fists all of a sudden. After a while, she nodded slightly and murmured, "I see."

Qin Yi didn't know what Yun Shang was talking about. She looked at Yun Shang and asked, "Your Highness, have you found anything?"

Yun Shang seemed to have lost all her strength. She slowly leaned against the couch and smiled, "Yes, I found something that I shouldn't have found."

Qin Yi still didn't understand what Yun Shang meant. She kept silent for a moment and said softly, "Our spies in the Palace haven't got any news about Qian Zhuo yet.

Yun Shang nodded slightly without saying anything.


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