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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 755

The Empress was stunned, and a gust of cold air rose from her feet. She had never expected that Xia Huanyu would tricked her to draw the secret out of her.

"Your Majesty, what do you mean?" The Empress gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in her sleeves. After a while, she sneered, "I just wanted to prepare a gift for my father, why do Your Majesty make such a fuss? Do you think it's wrong for me to look for a stone? Or do you think I have anything to do with the stone tablet thing?"

Hearing this, Xia Huanyu just looked at her coldly, which made the Empress straighten her back. After a long time, Xia Huanyu said softly, "Since the establishment of the State of Xia, ministers from the Su clan has always been the most trusted assistants of the emperors. Do you know why, Your Majesty? "

"Of course it's because the Su clan has been very loyal and devoted to the State of Xia for generations." The Empress didn't dare to look into Xia Huanyu's eyes. She only turned her head to look at the phoenix carved on the porch pillar.

Xia Huanyu nodded, but then shook his head. "You're only partially right. In addition to the loyalty, the Su clan always knows its place. They never ask what they are not supposed to."

The Empress's face became more stiff. Xia Huanyu continued with usual coldness in his voice, "Loyalty and humility are the foundations of the Su clan's prosperity. But what you and Field Marshal Su have done made me a little disappoint..." Xia Huanyu said in a lower voice, but to the Empress, it was as if the words had weighed a thousand pounds.

"Sometimes people should know to be content. How could a minister intervene with matters about heir to throne? That's Xia clan's own business. You haven't grown any smarter even though you have been in the Palace for so many years. If it weren't for your parents' guidance, you would have lost everything. People should learn to be content. You have already been the empress, only second to me..."

The Empress's face turned deadly pale, overwhelming shock surging in her heart. After a long time, the Empress managed to calm down. With tears in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and sneered at Xia Huanyu, "Your Majesty wants to pass the throne to that woman's son. Do you think I don't know that? Your Majesty make me bitterly disappointed. I've been accompanied you for more than 20 years, but you care more about that woman who has just been in the Palace for several years!"

Xia Huanyu's face darkened, but the Empress couldn't hold back her emotions anymore. "It was Your Majesty who chose me as your wife and the empress. But after I entered the palace, I've got nothing but the title. Your Majesty even occasionally cares about other concubines, but when it comes to me, you've always been so cold, not even a word of concern..."

Tears welled up in the Empress' eyes, and she couldn't say anything more.

However, Xia Huanyu just looked at her coldly. Seeing that she didn't say anything for a long time, he slowly asked, "So Your Majesty hope me to deprive you of the title as empress and demote you to a concubine in order to get my occasional concern?"

Hearing what Xia Huanyu said, the Empress was shocked again. She stared at Xia Huanyu blankly, trembling, and couldn't even say a complete sentence.

With a sneer, Xia Huanyu stood up and said loudly, "Return to my palace." Then he stood up and left Weiyang Palace in huff.

The Empress fell down on the chair. Her face was wet with tears, and the hall was so quiet that even the sound of dropping needles could be heard. The madam ordered the others to leave. Then she poured a cup of tea for the Empress and said softly, "Your Majesty, why do you have to fight against the Emperor? Now..."

The Empress raised her hand and said indifferently, "I'm a little tired. Help me into the inner hall to have a rest."

The madam nodded and hold the Empress into the bedchamber. The tears on the Empress' face hadn't disappeared. The madam poured hot water to wipe her makeup and then untied her bun. After taking off her outer clothes, she helped the Empress lie down on the bed.

There were very few secrets in the imperial household. On the second morning, almost everyone knew that Xia Huanyu had a quarrel with the Empress in Weiyang Palace last night and left in a huff. Although most people didn't know what was going on, they also sensed something unusual.

When the concubines went to Weiyang Palace to pay their respects, they also wanted to inquire about the current situation. However, they did not expect that the Empress would claim illness and they even didn't see her.

The incident raised a storm of conjecture in the palace.

While Xiangzhu Palace was as quiet as usual. Although everyone was guessing what had happened between the Empress and Xia Huanyu, they didn't dare to be so blatant. Besides, Ning Qian and Lin Youran were both pregnant, so no one dared to disturb them. Lin Youran abdomen had been visible, but the baby was not very stable because of all kinds of incidents at the beginning of her pregnancy. After returning from Weiyang Palace, she went straight back to the side to rest.

After returning to the palace, [t* '& ] sat in a chair in a daze.

Qian Xin came in with a note in her hand. She said softly, "Sister Qian Yin sent a message, saying that they have done at the master's order and the Ministry of Justice has found out the death of the old craftsman."

Ning Qian nodded and looked at the blooming jasmine in the hall.

"How long has the jasmine bloomed?" Ning Qian whispered.

Qian Xin was stunned for a while before she smiled and said, "It's been more than a month. I've prepared many jasmines, which are being kept in the room with charcoal braziers. After these flowers withered, they can be replaced."

"More than a month..." Ning Qian murmured, "Then it should've disappeared."

Qian Xin didn't know what Ning Qian was talking about. She was stunned for a while and then asked softly, "What? What is it?"


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