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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 758

Ning Qian had the seal of the Empress, but it was difficult for her to deal with the imperial household affairs as she had only been in the Palace for less than two years. However, Ning Qian was not a stubborn person. When she met something she didn't understand, she would go to Shuya Palace or Weiyang Palace to discuss with Lady Shu or the Empress.

Since Ning Qian had always been humble and Lady Shu was or at least pretended to be a gentle person, Lady Shu always told Ning Qian everything she'd asked.

However, the Empress didn't have a good temper recently. The first time Ning Qian went to Weiyang Palace for help, she had been waiting in the main hall for about an hour before the Empress came out with a pale face and asked casually, "How come you have come here? Pay respect to me? I am a patient... Huh..." Even Qian Xin sensed the irony in the chuckle.

Ning Qian hurriedly said, "His majesty ordered me to temporarily take over the seal, but I know nothing about the imperial household affair. Today I encountered a difficult problem which Lady Shu also doesn't know how to deal with, so I have to take the liberty to disturb Your Majesty."

As Ning Qian spoke, she gave the Empress a few quick glance. Although her face was a little pale, but no sign of serious illness. Moreover, it was impossible for a seriously ill person to be so domineering.

After Ning Qian finished speaking, there was a moment of silence in the hall. Then the Empress burst into laughter. "Haha! That's great. I didn't expect he gave the seal to you instead of Lady Shu. Haha, so good..." Ning Qian didn't expect that the Empress would suddenly lose her manner in front of her. She was also a little stunned. After a while, she heard the Empress' usual indifferent voice. "Are you here to show off to me?"

Ning Qian hurriedly shook her head, "I dare not. It's really difficult to deal with these affairs as I've been in the Palace for a short time."

Hearing Ning Qian's words, the Empress let out laughter again with a bit of mockery, "I'm recuperating now and I don't deal with anything. Maids, see off Lady Xiang."

Ning Qian was rejected as soon as she arrived, but she still looked stunned after she left Weiyang Palace. In Ning Qian's impression, the Empress had always been an elegant and gentle person. Although she might be very scheming, she never showed any emotion that should not belong to a empress on her face.

But why did she dramatically changed in just a few days.

Ning Qian only heard that the Empress had a dispute with Xia Huanyu who then angrily ordered her to rethink herself in Weiyang Palace. She didn't know why the two of them quarreled, but she really felt strange after seeing the Empress.

However, although Ning Qian was rejected for the first time, she didn't retreat. She frequently went to Weiyang Palace to look for the Empress with something. Later, even Xia Huanyu couldn't help but ask her about it.

However, Ning Qian just smiled and said, "I've just taken over the imperial household affairs, and I really don't understand a lot of things, so I have to go to Weiyang Palace to bother the Empress."

Hearing this, Xia Huanyu frowned slightly and said nothing. Ning Qian guessed that there must be spies from Xia Huanyu in Weiyang Palace. The conversation between the two of them must have been reported to Xia Huanyu.

Ning Qian went there day by day, which annoyed the Empress very much. Then she simply hid in the inner hall and did not come out again.

The Empress didn't want to see her while things had to be handled, so Ning Qian had to go to Shuya Palace. Lady Shu handed her the pamphlet she brought two days ago, and took another pamphlet from the side, saying, "You forgot one thing that the Emperor has always prayed for a good harvest at Temple of Heaven on every vernal equinox. It must be well arranged without any tiny mistake. Here is the list of preparations for the activity in the previous two years. Take them back and have a good look."

Ning Qian answered in a hurry, took the pamphlet from Lady Shu and returned to her palace.

When she opened the pamphlet given by Lady Shu, she saw the words on the first page which read "The Empress has planned a trick to kill Lady Xiang's unborn baby on the vernal equinox".

Ning Qian was startled and almost threw away the book in her hand.

After a long time, she came to her senses and felt that the handwriting was a little familiar. It was not until she examined it carefully that she realized it had been written by the eldest princess.

Ning Qian frowned and fixed her eyes on the words. The eldest princess was still able to send message to her even she was on the run from the arrest, which meant that she was still in Jin City. And this letter was sent through Lady Shu. As Yun Shang said, Lady Shu had cooperated with the eldest princess and the seven prince. Ning Qian thought for a while and quietly took down the first page and threw it into the charcoal brazier.

On the second day, Ning Qian still went to Weiyang Palace early in the morning. As she expected, the maid at the gate of the Weiyang Palace said that the Empress had not yet got up. Ning Qian didn't care about it at all and just waited in the hall. Fortunately, she had taken with her a list of sacrificial ceremony presented by the Imperial Household Department.

The Empress got furious after waking up when she heard that Ning Qian had come again.

She still did not feel any regret after she'd had a big quarrel with Xia Huanyu in Weiyang Palace even though the madam said that she was too impulsive and her parents had sent a message to scold her.


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