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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 761

Ning Qian looked up at the petite maid and saw the maid was glancing at her, her bright eyes rolling.

Ning Qian smiled and asked softly, "What's your name?"

The maid seemed to be stunned, and then smiled brightly. Her eyes lit up in an instant. "My name is Bai Su." After a pause, she boldly looked at Ning Qian and said, "Your Highness, how beautiful you are!"

Ning Qian couldn't help laughing, "you are so sweet."

Then Ning Qian lowered her head and looked at the book in her hand. After a moment of silence, she ordered softly, "The tea is a little cold. Go and make another pot of tea for me."

Bai Su nodded slightly, took the teapot on the table and walked out of the bedroom happily.

Ning Qian stood up, walked to the desk, wrote a note, and threw it under the bed. Then she walked to the dresser and took out a lotus hairpin. She carefully poured out some white powder from it and hid the power between her nail and finger.

After that, he put the hairpin back. She walked to the couch and sat down, turning the page in her hand with a calm expression on her face as usual. Hearing a light cough from under the bed, Ning Qian became sure about her plan.

After a while, footsteps came from outside again. As the curtain was being opened, the sound of beads colliding was particularly clear. "Your Highness, the tea is ready." With a smile on her face, Bai Su walked in briskly.

Ning Qian nodded slightly, watching Bai Su put the teapot on the table and pour tea for her. Ning Qian looked up and smiled at Bai Su. Then she took another teacup, poured a cup of tea by herself, and pushed it in front of Bai Su. "Don't be so reserved in Xiangzhu Palace. Your Sister Qing Dai, who always wears a straight face and doesn't speak, is not here. Sit down and have a cup of tea. Now I can't even find a person to drink tea with me..." Then she let out a soft sigh.

After saying that, Ning Qian lowered her head and looked at the book in her hand. She picked up the teacup and took a sip casually.

Taking a glance at Ning Qian, Bai Su thought for a while and said with a smile, "That's what Qing Dai is like. Please don't mind." As she spoke, she picked up the tea Ning Qian had poured for her and took a big gulp.

The tips of Ning Qian's mouth lifted in a brief smile, "I didn't blame her." However, she was counting in her heart, 'ten, nine, eight...'

Before she could count to one, she saw that Bai Su's body wobbled and was about to fell down. Ning Qian quickly held Bai Su in case the people outside would be alerted.

Then she lowered her head and took off her clothes. Then she pushed her down to the bed. Qian Yan quickly got out of the bed.

When Qing Dai returned to Xiangzhu Palace, Ning Qian was still sitting on the couch, reading books. Her posture was the same as that when she left, as if she hadn't moved at all. Seeing Qing Dai come in, Bai Su beamed and exclaimed, "Sister Qing Dai, you're back."

Qing Dai noticed that Ning Qian frowned slightly, as if she was dissatisfied with Bai Su's disturb. With a snort in her heart, Qing Dai looked up at Bai Su and said, "You can leave now."

Sue nodded with a smile, swept a curtsy to Ning Qian and left the bedroom.

After Bai Su left, the bedchamber quieted down again. Qing Dai stood still, and Ning Qian was reading the book casually. After a while, she didn't move either.

Qing Dai turned to look at Ning Qian, only to find that she seemed to be asleep, with her hand holding a book hanging aside and a slight frown on her face.

Qing Dai stood there for a while and found that Ning Qian had no signs of waking up. Thinking that it was almost lunch time, she went out of the bedroom and ordered someone to prepare lunch.

Nothing happened in Xiangzhu Palace on the day, except that Lady Xiang seemed to be quieter than usual and didn't even say a word for more than half a day. But there was nothing else unusual, so Qing Dai didn't keep it in mind.

The weather was getting hotter, but the Palace was not as lively as usual. Lady Xiang and Lady Shu had been ordered to assist to run the imperial household as the Empress was recuperating. Unexpectedly, Lady Xiang lost her baby in Weiyang Palace.

The Emperor was so furious that he arrested all the servants in Weiyang Palace and imprisoned the Empress in her palace. Since Lady Xiang had miscarried, she had to be in confinement for recovery. The Emperor also ordered that no one was allowed to disturb her. For a moment, Lady Shu became the only powerful concubine in the Palace, which no one had expected.

Lady Shu had to be responsible for the preparation of sacrificial ceremony on vernal equinox. Fortunately, Lady Shu had been in the Palace for many years, and had helped the Empress prepare a lot of palace banquets and ceremonies. Although she was not that proficient, she did not make any mistake.

On the day of the vernal equinox, all the civil and military officials had been waiting for the beginning of the ceremony outside the Temple of Heaven.


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