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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 769

Yun Shang's hand holding the teacup suddenly tilted, and the tea almost spilled out. Fortunately, Yun Shang quickly came to her senses. With a flash in her eyes, she picked up the teacup, took a sip of the tea, and covered the surprise in her eyes with the teacup.

When Yun Shang finished her tea and put down the teacup, her face had already returned to calm.

"You must be kidding, Lady Shu. Now the Empress is grounded in Weiyang Palace, and something's happened to Lady Xiang. In the imperial household, you are the only respected one in the imperial household. Glory has long been in your hands." With a faint smile on her face, Yun Shang fixed her eyes on the pink peach blossoms on the porcelain teacup, thinking fast.

Lady Shu had been in the imperial household for a long time, so she naturally knew that if the concubines in the Palace didn't have a son and a daughter to rely on, no matter how noble they were, it was still uncertain whether they could survive after the Emperor died, let alone glory.

Although Prince Qi was just a fake prince, as long as Xia Huanyu didn't spill the beans, he would still be the support of Lady Shu. But now, because of the eldest princess, Lady Shu's identity had been exposed, and Prince Qi would probably be abandoned by Xia Huanyu without hesitation.

Since she couldn't rely on Prince Qi anymore, Lady Shu might have seen it more clearly that she was just a pawn that could be discarded at any time in the hands of Xia Huanyu. She had no choice but to find a supporter to ensure her glory and wealth.

She couldn't count on the seventh prince as the news that she was a secret guard should soon spread to the seventh prince. The seventh prince would definitely not believe him anymore when he knew she was just pretending to ally with him and the eldest princess and that she had betrayed the eldest princess.

Lady Shu lost the support of Prince Qi and dared not to rely on the seventh prince, so she had only one choice left.

Yun Shang curled up her lips, with a touch of coldness in her eyes. The imperial household was indeed the place that could change a person dramatically. Lady Shu, who was just a secret guard, was not willing to let go of the glory and wealth after she had enjoyed the noble life.

But Lady Shu forgot that Yun Shang had witnessed that she betrayed the eldest princess. How could she trust her again?

Lady Shu frowned slightly and fixed her eyes on Yun Shang unblinkingly. "I believe that you are smart enough to understand what I'm talking about."

Yun Shang didn't respond. Lady Shen paused and then smiled slowly. "Forget it. I just invited you here to have a cup of tea today. If others saw you walk out of my palace unhappily, they would think that I had bullied you. Forget it. Let's talk about something else, something you might be interested in."

Yun Shang smiled at Lady Shu and raised her eyebrows, "Oh? What is it?"

Lady Shu thought for a while and said with a smile, "Let's talk about Mr. Liu Yinfeng."

Yun Shang's eyelids twitched, but she couldn't help smiling. "Didn't Your Highness said that you would be talking about something I felt interested in? I don't know when I've become interested in Mr. Liu."

"Ha ha..." Lady Shu laughed, covering her mouth, "I didn't say you were interested in Mr. Liu. I meant that you might be intrigued in some story. I remember that at the end of the year before last, it was Mister Liu who fought against Your Highness outside the KY City, right?"

Yun Shang listened in silence. Then Lady Shu continued with a smile, "I've heard that Mr. Liu almost killed Prince Rui. Lady Rui, are you curious? Liu Yinfeng doesn't have any official position, and he is just the adopted son of Master Liu. Why does His Majesty value him so much?"

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows and smiled. She was indeed curious about it. But she didn't know what the version of the story from Lady Shu would be.

Lady Shu smiled slowly, "I'm afraid Your Highness have already known how Mr. Liu became the Master of the court. It was all because he had a daughter who had ascended to a higher position and become an imperial concubine. Her daughter was Liu Feixue, Lady Liu. She married into the Palace one year after the death of Empress Hua, and was loved by the Emperor. Many people said that the Emperor had transferred all his love for Empress Hua to Lady Liu just because Liu Feixue looked a bit like Empress Hua. Liu Yinfeng was introduced to the Emperor by Lady Liu."

Lady Shu narrowed her eyes as if she was recalling, "At that time, Liu Yinfeng was hailed as a child prodigy. He was less than ten years old, but he was more insightful than many adults. Moreover, he was proficient at astronomy and geography, as well as military strategies. The Emperor liked Liu Yinfeng very much at the first sight. Everyone believed that Liu Yinfeng had got a great future ahead of him. And that was indeed the case. His Majesty brought Liu Yinfeng with him when he had the assemblies in Taiji Palace or discussed state affairs in Meeting Hall and even when he went to the inner Palace.

"Everyone thinks that Liu Yinfeng is too young to understand relationship. Therefore, even Liu Yinfeng, as an outsider, went to the inner Palace every day, everyone was used to it. Until..."

Lady Shu's eyes darkened and said in a stern voice, "Until Lady Liu's death. Everyone in the Palace said that the Emperor got mad and killed her by mistake. And they talked about it seriously as if they had witnessed it in person.

"After Lady Liu's death, Liu Yinfeng had fallen ill. Everyone knows that Liu Yinfeng has a good relationship with Lady Liu. They think he was sad because he has lost his intimate sister and sympathized with him. That day was the fifth day after Lady Liu's death. When the Emperor went to her palace to pray for her, Liu Yinfeng was also there, pale and weak. As the Emperor was presenting the incense, Liu Yinfeng, who stood very close to him, raised a dagger and stabbed it toward the Emperor when no servant in the palace noticed..." Lady Shu suddenly raised her voice, with a gleam shining in her eyes.

Yun Shang frowned. Did Liu Yinfeng assassinate Xia Huanyu? If that was the case, how could Xia Huanyu allow a person who hated him to stay with him and even put him in an important position?

Soon, Lady Shu gave the answer.


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