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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 777

It was not difficult for Yun Shang to leave Jin City. All she needed to do was to ask someone to disguise as her and pretend to be ill abed in Prince Rui's mansion. Coincidentally, the incident happened between the Su clan and she was known to all in the city. And everyone knew that she had fallen ill after that.

Qian Liu had similar figure and temperament with her and she seldom followed Yun Shang, so she could disguise as Yun Shang.

However, Yun Shang was a little worried. It would take at least ten days to speed up from the Jin City to KY City, and now she couldn't afford to ride for a long time without sleep. It would take more than a month to go back and forth. Qian Liu wouldn't be able to pretend for that long. But Yun Shang didn't have time to think too much, so she had to play it by ear.

Qin Yi was worried about Yun Shang's health and didn't allow Yun Shang to ride, so Yun Shang had to come up with a compromise. She decided to go there by carriage, but she wouldn't have any rest along the journey. And the secret guards would arrive at every town ahead of Yun Shang, so as to change horses and replenish food and water for her.

Seeing the anxiety on Yun Shang's face, Qin Yi knew that it was not easy for her to make such a concession, so she stopped persuading her. She just covered the seat in the carriage with several quilts until she felt that it was thick enough to not be affected by the jolt. Then she prepared all kinds of food and medicine for her.

It was already dawn when Yun Shang left Jin City. As it was the morning rush hour, the guards at the city gate let her out casually.

It took Yun Shang thirteen days to arrive KY City. And it was already April. It was getting hot. Yun Shang only wore a light green dress with a moon-white lace mantle. She opened the curtain and looked out. The words "KY city" over the city gate were particularly clear in the spring sun.

"Please open the door of the carriage for us to see what is inside." A guard at the city gate came over and said to the coachman. Although he looked a little serious, his voice was gentle.

Yun Shang smiled. It seemed that Yingjie had managed KY city very well.

The door of the carriage was opened, and a guard leaned in to check. When he saw Yun Shang, he was stunned, and his dark face turned red.

"Well, sorry to bother you, madam." The guard said hurriedly.

Yun Shang smiled and shook her head, "It doesn't matter. You are just doing your duty."

The guard's face turned even redder. He quickly retreated and closed the door of the carriage. "Go in. Go in."

The sound of the wheels was heard. Yun Shang lifted the curtain again and looked out. It was exactly the same as Yun Shang had imagined. On both sides of the street, there were many vendors selling goods, but they looked in order. The street was full of laughter, which was completely different from the first time Yun Shang came here two years ago.

Yun Shang ordered the coachman to drive the carriage to the gate of a mansion, on which wrote "Xiao Mansion". It was a mansion for the secret guards in the KY City. Although most of the secret guards had been transferred to the State of Xia, there were still a few people left here.

Yun Shang asked a maid to knock the door. The door was opened from inside. Yun Shang saw someone poke out and the maid showed him what was in her hand. Then the man hurriedly opened the door and said, "Please come in, master."

Yun Shang had been on the road for more than 10 consecutive days, so she was very tired. When she got off the carriage, she felt unreal.

After entering the yard, Yun Shang asked someone to prepare a room for her. After washing up, she went straight to the bed and lay down.

She had a good sleep. When she woke up, it was already the next morning.

After freshening up, Yun Shang changed into a light blue dress. She asked the maid to make a Fei Xian Braid and inserted a white jade hairpin into it. Then she went out with the maid.

As Qin Yi and a few maids had been following Lady Rui all the time, many people could recognize them. If they disappeared all of a sudden, it would cause suspicion. So Yun Shang didn't take them out. She only took a maid called Zi Su with her.

Yun Shang asked Zi Su to take a box with coral bracelets and a scroll Qin Yi had put in the carriage, and then headed to Chengfu Mansion. Qin Yi was so considerate she had prepared some gifts. Although Lady Zhao was just a general's wife now, she was actually her mother-in-law. It was her first time to visit her, so she couldn't come here empty handed.

When they arrived, the door of the mansion was half closed, and there were two guards standing outside. They were dressed in armors, looking rather grim. Taking Yun Shang's token of Princess Hui Guo, Zi Su said a few words to the guard. The guard glanced at Yun Shang and quickly took the token into his mansion.

It was not until then that Zi Su stepped back to Yun Shang and reported in a low voice, "The guard said that General Zhao should be in the camp, and only Lady Zhao is in the mansion."

Yun Shang nodded slightly. After a while, the door was opened, and Lady Zhao came out to greet her in person. Lady Zhao didn't change much since they met two years ago. She looked less than forty, and even in a better spirit than before. As soon as she saw Yun Shang, he walked out quickly and prostrated.

Yun Shang was taken aback. She helped Lady Zhao up and said, "Your Ladyship, please don't."


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