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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 797

"Huaiyin City?" Yun Shang frowned, with a flicker of doubt in her eyes. "After we left Cangnan City, in order to deceive Qingsu, we pretended to go to Ganying City. But why did Xia Huanyu come directly towards Huaiyin City instead of going to Ganying City?

Qin Yi was surprised and looked up at Yun Shang with inquiry.

Yun Shang frowned and waved her hand to ask Qian Zhuo to leave.

"Your Highness, do you think there are still spies around us?" Seeing there were only they two left in the room, Qin Yi asked.

Yun Shang didn't respond immediately. She thought for a long time and said, "Maybe not around me, but around His Highness." After a pause, she continued, "Liu Yinfeng said that the commander's tally in the hands of the seventh prince is fake. The real commander's tally is in His Highness's hand. Since His Highness has dispatched the army, he must have used it. Then it's not difficult for Xia Huanyu to know our whereabouts."

Qin Yi nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God. I thought there were still spies around us."

"Then do Your Highness have any plan about the matter of Lady Zhao?" Qin Yi asked softly.

Yun Shang tapped her fingers on the armrest of the chair and squinted slightly. "We've been in Huaiyin City for such a long time. Is there any news from An'ning Village?" Qin Yi shook her head and replied, "No."

Yun Shang nodded gently and thought for a long time before she said, "It will take at least ten days from Jin City to Huaiyin City even at top speed, while it's only two days' trip from Huaiyin City to An'ning Village. Now that His Highness is not here, and Lady Zhao doesn't know that Xia Huanyu is coming. Qin Yi, go and arrange it. I want to go to An'ning Village."

Qin Yi nodded and left.

It was already in the evening two days later when Yun Shang arrived at An'ning Village. The carriage stopped directly at the yard house where Lady Zhao lived. Yun Shang took a look at Qian Zhuo who then hurried forward and knocked on the door.

A maid opened the door and she was surprised to see Qian Zhuo, but she quickly concealed it. She looked up at Yun Shang and said, "Your Highness is here."

Yun Shang nodded and walked quickly into the yard. Lady Zhao was not in the yard. She was having dinner in the main hall, and Zhao Yingjie was also there.

The two heard the noise outside and looked up at the yard. They were both surprised to see Yun Shang. Zhao Yingjie came to his senses first. He stood up and said, "Greetings, Your Highness."

Regardless of him, Yun Shang walked quickly to Lady Zhao. Without curtsy, she said, "Her Ladyship, the seventh prince has sent someone to tell the secret. His Majesty has known that you are still alive, and that I have been to KY City before, so he inferred that I must have gone to see you. He has set out from Jin City a few days ago and rushed to Huaiyin City."

Lady Zhao seemed to be stunned. Her hand holding chopsticks trembled slightly. She quickly looked up at Yun Shang. After a moment of silence, she said slowly, "Really? Isn't he the emperor of the state? How could he leave the Imperial Palace so easily?"

A bitter smile appeared on Yun Shang's face. She said softly, "Your Ladyship might not know that when Empress Hua disappeared, His Majesty left all the government affairs behind and mobilized all the forces that could be mobilized to search for Empress Hua. He had been looking for her for more than a year. Your Ladyship might not understand His Majesty's obsession with Empress Hua as you have lost all your memories. His Majesty will arrive at Huaiyin City in a few days. Your Ladyship..."


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