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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 829

"Oh?" Yun Shang's eyes were still fixed on the maid," As far as I know, all the servants in the palace are cleaned. How can you be pregnant then?"

The maid hurriedly replied, "I'm not lying. Yu Shu used to tell me that he narrowly escaped from the test when he entered the palace."

"How long have you known each other?" Yun Shang asked again.

The maid thought for a while and said softly, "Less than two months."

"I hope you didn't lie to me. Qin Yi, go to ask if there is a servant named Yu Shu in the Jingyang Palace." Yun Shang turned around and whispered to Qin Yi. Qin Yi replied and left.

Seeing that the maid's face was pale with pain, Yun Shang took out a silver needle and said to her, "Lie down."

Looking at the silver needle in Yun Shang's hand, the servant was a little scared. But she didn't dare to disobey her. She quickly lay down on the bed without batting. After Yun Shang finished, the maid felt much better.

Qin Yi also came back soon. She frowned and shook her head at Yun Shang saying, "Your Highness, there is no servant named Yu Shu in the Jingyang Palace. In fact, the Jingyang Palace has been empty for the past two years. There is no one else except the cleaning servants."

Hearing this, the maid, who was still lying on the bed, suddenly raised her head. The astonishment on her face did not seem to be false. "How can it be? It's impossible. I have met him many times in the Jingyang Palace. There are also many servants in the palace, as well as many patrols coming and going at night."

Yun Shang understood. She looked up at the maid and asked, "When did you meet him most of the time? And how did you know each other? "

The maid hurriedly said, "We usually meet at night. More than a month ago, the maid in my room had a high fever, so I went to the Imperial Hospital to look for a physician. But I lost my way when I went back. I met Yu Shu outside the Jingyang Palace. He sent me back."

"So he is quite familiar with the palace?" Yun Shang frowned.

The maid nodded, "Yes."

Yun Shang paced back and forth in the room before turning to the maid, "You lied to me just now, but I'm willing to give you a chance to make amends. Do you want it?"

The maid nodded incessantly, "Yes, I do."

"Good..." Yun Shang smiled, "You can rest here today. I'll tell you later how you will...?" Make amends."

Yun Shang left Qian Zhuo in the room to look after her, and then took Qin Yi to the side hall to look for Lin Youran.

Lin Youran had just lost her baby, and had just gone through hell. She was very weak, so she had to lie in bed and have a rest. As soon as Yun Shang entered the outer hall, she saw Qian Bi, Lin Youran's maid, come up in a hurry, "Your Highness, please help persuade his highness."

Yun Shang frowned, "What's wrong with your higness?" Qian Bi hurriedly said, "Since the accident of his highness, she has been depressed. She has been lying on the bed and crying all day long, and she is unwilling to take medicine."

"Nonsense," Yun Shang scolded, "She is now in her confinement of childbirth. If she keeps crying, her eyes will be damaged in the future." Yun Shang said and walked quickly into the bedroom.

Just as Qian Bi said, Lin Youran looked lifeless. Her eyes were red and swollen, and they looked empty. She was staring blankly at the top of the bed.

Yun Shang frowned and asked her, "What are you doing?"

Hearing Yun Shang's voice, Lin Youran slowly turned around and stared at Yun Shang without saying anything.

"The baby is gone. You are sad?" Yun Shang sneered, "If I were you, I wouldn't waste my time on meaningless sadness. The baby is gone. Even if you cry, he can't come back to life. So this only makes the murderer happy. Since those midwives dared to do that, there must be someone behind them. Your child died so miserably. As a mother, why don't you think of a way to avenge him?"

Stunned for a while, Lin Youran started to cry again, "The imperial physician said that it was a little princess. I have always wanted a girl. She was already so old..."

Yun Shang pressed her lips tightly and sat down on the chair. She looked at her quietly without saying anything.

It was not until she was tired after crying that Lin Youran sobbed and said, "I swear I will avenge myself."


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