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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 834

Seeing the situation, the doctor quickly walked to the bedside without greetings. He thought for a moment and said, "Your highness, could you let go of her highness's hand? I want to take her pulse."

Luo Qingyan was stunned and loosened his grip on Yun Shang's arm. But he felt empty in his heart all of a sudden. He quickly held Yun Shang in his arms. It was not until he felt that the person in his arms was still breathing that his heart fell back to where it was.

The doctor didn't have time to think about anything else. He stretched out his hand to feel Yun Shang's pulse. After a long time, he frowned and said, "Your highness, I have to find a way to wake up her highness, or I'm afraid her highness and the baby will both be in great danger. But her Highness has been suffering from cold for too long. Even if she wakes up, I'm afraid it's difficult to keep her baby."

When Luo Qingyan heard the two of them were both in great danger, the veins on his forehead bulged. His voice was even colder than that the person in his arms. "What nonsense are you talking about?" However, if one listened carefully, he would find that Luo Qingyan's voice was trembling uncontrollably.

The doctor froze and didn't dare to move. Luo Qingyan turned around and said coldly to the secret guard standing aside, "Go to Sancun Alley and invite Dr. Zheng here."

The secret guard answered in a hurry, turned around and went out. Luo Qingyan looked up at the doctor in front of him and said indifferently, "What should we do to wake up her highness?"

The doctor quickly replied, "Acupuncture." The doctor trembled again and said, "Not too many people know the acupuncture, and few people are proficient in it. I know a little, but..."

Hearing this, Luo Qingyan got even more furious. He raised his foot and kicked the doctor hard. The doctor was forced two steps back, and blood seeped from the corner of his mouth.

"Ahem..." The doctor coughed for a while before he shrank in the corner and said nothing.

The woman in his arms gradually regained her temperature. It was still a little lower than the normal temperature, but it was much better than that when she was just taken out of the ice cellar. However, she still did not wake up.

Luo Qingyan became more and more flustered, as if he had fallen into a deep and bottomless well.

About an hour later, Doctor Zheng came in wearing a lunar white robe. Perhaps he had heard of the situation of Yun Shang on the way, so he entered the room without bowing. He quickly picked up the glaze lamp on the table, took off the lampshade, picked up the lampwick and lit it with a fire starter. After a while, the man in white blew out the fire, leaving only scarlet sparks. Doctor Zheng walked to the bedside and pressed Yun Shang's temples and some other parts with the hot wick. There was a faint mark left on the spots, which made Luo Qingyan frown.

Not long after it, Luo Qingyan saw Yun Shang's eyelashes tremble slightly. His heart hung in his throat, but she didn't move for a long time.

Luo Qingyan raised his head to look at Doctor Zheng, who was still holding the lampwick in his hand. Seeing this, he ignited it again and pressed it down on Yun Shang's philtrum. Yun Shang's eyelids trembled and she opened her eyes slowly.

Luo Qingyan hurriedly called, "Shang'er, Shang'er..."

There was a trace of confusion in Yun Shang's eyes. After a long time, she seemed to come to her senses. She tried to smile at Luo Qingyan who was full of worry, but she couldn't help frowning and taking a deep breath. "It hurts, my belly..."

Hearing Luo Qingyan say it hurt, Luo Qingyan's heart ached. How he wished he was the one to suffer. He raised his head in a hurry and said, "Check for her. How could she hurt so much?"

Dr. Zheng didn't show any surprise on his face. He nodded and said, "The baby has been affected since her highness stayed in the cold place for such a long time. I have to use the oxytocin, but her highness will have to suffer great pain. But if I don't do this, her highness will lose the baby. Your highness, what do you think..."

Luo Qingyan was Yun Shang's husband and the father of the baby. He needed to make a choice. Luo Qingyan opened his mouth. Before he could say anything, Yun Shang said in a weak voice, "Baby, save the baby. Uncle, save the baby."

Although Yun Shang was reborn, she was still a little naive. She liked to call him uncle when she teased Luo Qingyan. But at this time, when he heard her call him uncle in a pleading voice, Luo Qingyan almost cry.

He could never refuse Yun Shang's request.

Luo Qingyan's body trembled and his lips turned pale. After a while, he said, "Do as you said."

Dr. Zheng replied. Then he took out the medicine he had prepared when the secret guard told him the situation, and handed it to Qin Yi, "You don't need to boil it. Just soak it in hot water and bring it here."

Qin Yi's eyes were also red. Hearing this, she took the medicine and walked out quickly.

Dr. Zheng ordered the servants in the room in an orderly manner, "Go and boil some hot water. The more, the better. There should be some midwives in the mansion, call all of them here. And prepare some ginseng slice..."

Qin Yi had sent the medicine in a hurry. The doctor touched the edge of the cup, poured it to an empty teacup and poured back again, cooling the medicine. Then he handed it to Luo Qingyan.

Luo Qingyan's hands were still trembling and his voice was hoarse. "Shang'er, take the medicine."

Yun Shang forced herself to keep sober. Hearing Luo Qingyan's words, she raised her head, leaned over to the edge of the cup and drank the medicine.

The medicine hadn't taken effect yet, and Yun Shang could still raise her head to look at Luo Qingyan with a weak smile. She asked Luo Qingyan, "How is Mister Liu?"

Seeing Luo Qingyan didn't respond, Qin Yi said in a hurry, "I've sent for a doctor. The doctor is treating Mister Liu."

Yun Shang nodded slightly and said in a sleepy voice, "He saved me again. I owe him another life."

Luo Qingyan's hand trembled slightly. He held Yun Shang in his arms and murmured, "It doesn't matter. I'll pay him back."


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