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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 844

The newly renovated Weiyang Palace was quiet. Empress Hua only wore a moon-white long sleeved dress. Leaning against the bench, she flipped through the book in her hands, looking very focused. The sound of footsteps could be heard faintly. Empress Hua knew that it was Qian Shang. She smiled and said, "Did you lost your way? It took you so long to get some books from the library."

Qian Zhuo pursed her lips and put the books on the chair beside the bench. "No. I just delayed for a while on the way." After a pause, she continued in a low voice, "Her Highness Crown Princess has ordered me to report to Your Majesty in time if anything happens. Her Highness asked me to be more careful as Your Majesty couldn't be well-protected as when we were in Huanyin City. Besides, the Palace is much more dangerous..."

Empress Hua looked up at Qian Shang, smiled and said, "Tell me, what happened?"

"Qian Zhuo whispered, "A plague occurred outside the city and it has spread to the city. Everyone in the city is jittery. The Imperial Astronomer said, in front of all the civil and military officials, that there was a comet, which viewed as evil portent, came from the north and appeared in the sky above Jin City recently. As the comet was getting brighter, he feared that it might bring disaster to the State of Xia."

"Oh?" Empress Hua was not surprised or confused at all. She just smiled faintly and said, "I didn't expect that I am able to bring calamity to a state at such an age, that's not bad." Qian Yin was in a daze. She opened her mouth but said nothing in the end. She thought that Empress Hua was even calmer than the Crown Princess. There must be someone who was trying to frame her. But how could she be so calm in such an urgent situation?

A servant in front of the palace gate hurried in and reported, "Your Majesty, Lady Li from Lady Li asks to see you."

Qian Zhuo had already known how to respond before the Empress said anything. "His Majesty has ordered that the Empress needs to have a good rest after the long trip. No one is allowed to disturb Her Majesty."

The servant was also used to dealing with it. He just came in to ask as a mere formality, so he quickly replied and exited.

Without raising her eyebrows, Empress Hua quietly picked up a book Qian Zhuo had just brought back. Not long after, she heard someone talking outside, followed by footsteps. "Your Majesty, here's your white fungus soup." A soft voice was sounded when the bead curtain on the door was being lifted.

Empress Hua said indifferently, "Put it down.

A chuckle was heard, and the footsteps came close. When the bowl of white fungus soup was being put down on the chair, Empress Hua noticed the one's slim fingers, carmine nail polish and a golden bracelet on her wrist.

Empress Hua looked up and saw a calm but somewhat gorgeous face.

Qian Zhuo squinted her eyes and looked at the person in front of her. Then she swept a curtsy and said in a low voice, "Greetings, Lady Shu."

Lady Shu. With a smile at the corners of her mouth, Empress Hua] lowered her eyes again. Then she turned a page and said, "I'm wondering why Lady Shu bring me the white fungus soup in person. I'm flattered. Since you have brought it here, you can leave now."

Hearing this, Lady Shu was shocked, a cold light flashing in her eyes. She forced a smile and said, "Your Majesty, you misunderstood me. In fact, I was just a secret guard of the Emperor before. The title of Lady Shu is just a flag of convenient for me to carry out some tasks in the Palace."

Empress Hua narrowed her eyes slightly. She didn't understand why Lady Shu, who she had never met before, said these words to her, so she didn't bother to respond.

Lady Shu just looked around the Weiyang Palace and continued with a smile, "His Majesty really dotes on Your Majesty. The Weiyang Palace used to be the Empre...

Thinking of the fact that Su Ruji had been disposed, Lady Shu immediately changed the address, "It used to be Su Ruji's palace. In order to welcome Your Majesty back to the Palace, His Majesty has ordered to renovate it according to your preferences. As a matter of fact, I had been overseeing the work. I wonder if the Your Majesty is satisfied with it. Before His Majesty left the Palace to pick up Your Majesty, he had sent out all the ladies who had not been favored as he was afraid that Your Majesty would be unhappy. The Emperor has been so good to Your Majesty. As the saying goes, new clothes is better than old one, but old friends are better than the new ones.

Lady Shu talked so much, but Empress Hua didn't even raise her head.

Lady Shu had never been treated like this in the Palace, and her face suddenly changed. After a long while, Empress Hua said indifferently, "Have you finished? Leave now. Haven't you heard that His Majesty has issued an imperial edict that no one is allowed to enter the Weiyang Palace. Considering that it's your first time to make a mistake, I'll let you go. If it happens again..."

After a pause, the Empress smiled and said, "Oh, it won't happen again."

Lady Shu was very angry, but she knew how to restrain herself after staying in the Palace for more than twenty years. She quickly hid the hatred in her eyes and bobbed a quick curtsy. "In that case, I'll take my leave."

Then she exited the inner room. Qian Zhuo clearly heard that Lady Shu stamped her feet hard after she went out.

As soon as Lady Shu left, Empress Hua raised her head and said, "Since the Emperor has issued the imperial edict, go to inform the guards at the gate of Weiyang Palace to keep an eye. Don't let any cat or dog in."

Qian Yin was trying her best to hold back her laughter. When she heard Empress Hua's order, she answered yes at once. She thought that since Lady Shu was a secret guard, she must have heard every word of Empress Hua.

At the thought of Lady Shu being humiliated in front of Empress Hua, Qian Yin couldn't help feeling extremely happy. She wished she could immediately go back to the Crown Prince's Mansion to tell Yun Shang.


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