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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 86

No one had thought that Hua Jing would be released until she appeared at the camp. Early in the morning, before Yun Shang was full awake, she heard a sound from outside. "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao..."

Then Qian Yin got up and went out to see what happened. She returned in a jiffy. "Master, Prince Jing sent word that Princess Hua Jing is at the gate of the camp and is clamoring to see him, " said Qian Yin. She looked serious.

"Hua Jing?" murmured Yun Shang in surprise. "Wasn't she captured by the Yelang army? Why is she here now?"

She immediately got up, dressed, put on her silver mask, and went out of the tent. No sooner had she stepped out than she saw Prince Jing standing not far away. She hurried toward him. "Do you know why Hua Jing is here?" asked Yun Shang.

Prince Jing batted his eyelids without emotion. "Indeed, Qingsu is sophisticated. If I didn't know the truth that the person he had captured was Hua Jing, I might have been deceived. He is clever enough to send her back without being exposed," said Prince Jing.

They walked to the gate of the camp together. Yun Shang walked behind deliberately so as not to be noticed by Hua Jing. Hua Jing stood at the gate, dressed in aquamarine silk. Two attendants stood at a distance.

"Oh...dear?" Prince Jing frowned in surprise. "How did you get to the camp?" Hua Jing looked at Prince Jing, and then glanced at Yun Shang. "My husband is trapped at the border, so I'm here to help him, " answered Hua Jing with a sad face.

"Really? If memory serves, you set out before me." Prince Jing lifted his eyebrows when he spoke. "So... you mean you arrived here today?"

Hua Jing's eyes flickered scrupulously. "I was born in the Palace and have never been far away before. When I set out, I was in a hurry and did not take enough attendants, so I got into a lot of trouble along the way. And when I arrived at the border, I heard that you had been stationed here. So I'm here to ask you to lend me some soldiers to help me find my husband, " sighed Hua Jing.

"Really?" grinned Prince Jing, sardonically. "There are no women in the camp, so I'm afraid it's not proper for you to live here. Besides, your husband got into trouble in Linguan town. So if you want to find him, you'd better go to Linguan town. The enemy's army has withdrawn from the town, which makes it safer than my camp. And if you still don't feel it is safe, I can send someone to protect you."

Prince Jing turned his head and looked at Yun Shang. "This is my military counsellor, Mister Xiao. He is resourceful and highly skilled in martial arts. How about I send him to protect you?"

Hua Jing glanced at Mister Xiao and frowned. "But he's thin and weak...Besides, since he's your counsellor, you will need him in battle. I don't think it's a good idea to take him with me..." responded Hua Jing unhappily.

Hearing her words, Yun Shang grinned and tried to speak like a man. "No, no...Ability can not be measured by body size. I promise, even fifty strong men could not defeat me." Hua Jing was glad to hear this as she already knew that a military counsellor was of great importance to an army even though she had not fought in any battle.

"Then I happily accept your kind offer." smiled Hua Jing. "I heard that my Mother-in-Law came to the border too. Do you know where she is?" asked Hua Jing sullenly.

"Oh, she's in Linguan town," answered Prince Jing. Hua Jing was disappointed as she thought her husband's mother would cause her trouble.

But when she realized that Linguan town was far from Prince Jing's encampment, she smiled again. "She was excellent when she was young, so I believe that she will find him if he's in Linguan Town. Now that she's already there, I think I'd better search Xiyi Town."

"As you see fit, " answered Prince Jing impatiently. Then he turned to Yun Shang and spoke to her. "Please, the Princess's safety is in your hands now."

Yun Shang made an obeisance by cupping one hand in the other before her chest. "You may rest assured that I will spare no effort to keep Her Highness safe."

After Prince Jing returned to his tent, Mister Xiao walked to Hua Jing. "Your Highness, let's go. There are a few inns in Xiyi Town. However, they are all shabby, and I'm afraid you will have to compromise for several days," smiled Mister Xiao.

"It doesn't matter. My husband is in danger, and I have to find him," sighed Hua Jing.

When they find an inn in Xiyi Town, Hua Jing frowned unhappily. She glanced at her attendants. She was about to speak, but decided to say nothing. After Yun Shang checked in, a waiter led them upstairs to their rooms.

Three rooms had been appointed. Two were adjacent to each other, while the third was separated by several rooms. Hua Jing told Mister Xiao that her attendants had to take turns keeping vigil, so it didn't matter where they lived. Then, Yun Shang arranged herself for the room next to Hua Jing's.

Hua Jing beckoned Mister Xiao into her room and sat down. Yun Shang followed as she didn't dare to refuse her. The room was sparse. It had a bed, a table, two benches, and a tub. Although the outside looked terrible, the room was even shabbier than Hua Jing thought it would be. Hua Jing frowned as she sat down on the bed. "Sit down, please, sir." She said and smiled at Mister Xiao.

As soon as they sat down, Hua Jing asked curiously, "Why are you wearing a mask?"

"When I was a child, I was too naughty. I was scalded and disfigured by boiling water. People were scared to see my face, so I put on a mask, " laughed Yun Shang. She raised her hand to touch her silver mask when she spoke.

"Really? Where are you from? I find that you have the accent of someone who grew up in the Imperial City. But I've only seen Mister Wang follow my Uncle to the Imperial City. I mean, I haven't seen you in the Imperial City before." Hua Jing sized her up, but she did not realize that her sister, who she thought was far away in the Palace, was in front of her and dressed as a man.

"I did live in the Imperial City when I was a child." Yun Shang raised her hand and adjusted her sleeves. "I have only been with His Highness in recent years, but I seldom go back to the Imperial City. He has always acted with caution. Although he returns to the Imperial City, he still needs a trustworthy man in his army to take care of daily affairs. Whenever he returns to his troops, if there is no war, he sends me home to my family."

"Aha," chuckled Hua Jing. "Who's in your family?"

"Only my mother and I..." answered Yun Shang with her head lowered. She wondered why Hua Jing tested her. So Yun Shang looked out of the window and pretended to be irritated. As if to emphasize, Yun Shang tapped her hand on the table.

Seeing that the the man in front of her was becoming impatient, Hua Jing became unhappy. He's monstrously audacious! How dare he be so impolite to me? Thought Hua Jing. But, she tried to be courteous in appearance. "I'm sorry. I am so tired after my long journey. I need to rest now. Please go about your business, sir."

Yun Shang nodded and stood up. "I will take my leave then." Seeing that Hua Jing nodded too, Yun Shang left the room and headed to her own room.

As her room was next to Hua Jing's, she opened the window to check if Hua Jing's window was open too. She then left the window open so that she would notice if anything was happening in Hua Jing's room. However, Hua Jing was silent all that morning.

At noon, she heard the waiter come to the adjacent room to deliver lunch. After a while, silence returned.

From morning till night, Yun Shang did not see Hua Jing leave her room, nor had she heard her sister speak.

After dinner, Yun Shang went to the adjacent room to give her regards to Princess Hua Jing. When she entered, Hua Jing was sitting on her bed staring at the wall blankly. Seeing Mister Xiao, she smiled at him. "Good evening, sir."

Yun Shang nodded and spoke. "Though the enemy has withdrawn from Xiyi town, some spies were still mixed among the people. Don't forget to close the door and windows before you go to bed, and warn the guards not to fall asleep by accident."


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