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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 860

After ordering Qin Yi to prepare the wine and dishes, Yun Shang went back to the room. Luo Qingyan was sitting on the couch and reading as usual.

Seeing that he just sat there without turning a page for a long time, Yun Shang frowned and wondered what he was thinking. She blinked her eyes, feeling curious. She quietly walked to the edge of the soft couch. When she turned to see the book in Luo Qingyan's hand, she found that Luo Qingyan had raised his head. Yun Shang blinked and smiled, "What are you reading? You haven't turned a page for a long time." Yun Shang sat down by his side.

Luo Qingyan smiled, "I'm not reading. I'm thinking about something."

Yun Shang was more surprised. Luo Qingyan had always been calm and composed. What kind of troubles could make him frown involuntarily?

Luo Qingyan seemed to understand what Yun Shang was thinking, so he put the book aside and said gently, "Recently, there are two things that make me a little difficult to deal with. One is the imperial examination. I don't have many people in the court, so I can only make a decision from this autumn test. It's difficult for the secret guards to choose some people who can participate in the autumn test. It's easy to say that they are good at martial arts, but they are difficult tasks for the civil officials."

Yun Shang smiled, "Your Highness, why do you have to choose from your own secret guards?" Luo Qingyan was silent for a moment. "Only the people of the secret guards are the best to control, aren't they?"

Yun Shang nodded, but then she shook her head, "Although the secret guards can work for us, but as your highness said, they know nothing about the rules of the country. From Liu Qiyan in the State of Ning to Li Qianmo in the present court. In fact, the two of them are not my secret guards. It's because I have helped them a lot to solve their pressing problem...

Liu Qiyan's family is poor, so he can't achieve his ambitions without money. I gave him silver coins and made him secretly become a disciple of my grandfather. My grandfather has a good reputation, and Liu Qiyan is very grateful to him. I also ordered someone to teach his sister the Four Arts, so they treat me as their benefactor. Although Li Qianmo's family doesn't lack money, he is a filial son. His mother is seriously ill. I ordered someone to take her to seek medical treatment. In fact, most of these scholars who boasted themselves of being pure and lofty attached great importance to promises. The most important thing is that they have a clean background, and no one else will doubt them," said Yun Shang smilingly, "And even if the person we choose is an official of the court, we can send our secret guards to keep an eye on him, right? If anyone has some thoughts that he shouldn't have, we can solve them quickly."

Luo Qingyan kept silent for a moment and then nodded slightly, "You are right, your highness. I'll ask my secret guards to secretly collect information about their families from the outstanding talents of all the kingdoms..."

Yun Shang nodded with a smile, "Your Highness just said that there are two things bothering you. The autumn test is one of them, and what is the other?"

Hearing Yun Shang's question, Luo Qingyan turned to look at Yun Shang. He frowned and thought for a long time before he said, "The second one, is for Xia Houjing."

"What?" Yun Shang asked curiously, "What has Xia Houjing done to make your highness so embarrassed?"

Luo Qingyan shook his head with a bitter smile, "It is just strange because he hasn't done anything inappropriate, and he has behaved very well. When he comes back to see me, he is always very polite. In the past two days, he has always been respecting me in everything. If he has any decision, he will listen to me first. If there is anything against his opinion, he will also obey me. Even when there are only two of us in private, I have tried to irritate him several times, but he is always humble."

Yun Shang frowned and said, "The seventh Prince must hate us very much. How could he be so respectful to you? I don't think it's a big deal to do that in front of others, but it is really strange for him to act that way when he is private with you."

Luo Qingyan nodded slightly, "Yes."

"I'll make a new post. Let the seventh princess come to the Li Garden tomorrow to see the play," Yun Shang smiled.

Luo Qingyan held Yun Shang's hand tightly, and his eyes were full of tenderness, "The Crown Princess is so considerate for her husband, and I really don't know what to repay her. Why not just devote all myself to you?"

Yun Shang pushed Luo Qingyan's hand away and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Then she heard footsteps coming from outside. Yun Shang quickly stood up and said, "It should be Qin Yi and the others who brought wine and dishes. I just asked them to bring them directly to the room." As soon as Yun Shang finished speaking, Qin Yi's voice came from outside, "Your Highnesses, I've brought wine and dishes."

"Come in," Yun Shang said loudly.

Qin Yi opened the curtain and let a maid come in with a plate on her hands.

"It's hot. I've prepared some food, iced fruits and bamboo leaf tea. I thought that your highnesses would have a drink today and I haven't brought Bao'er up here. I've also prepared some ice cubes and put them in the room to get cool," said Qin Yi. She chuckled and ordered the servants to put the wine, vegetables and ice dishes in place.

Yun Shang nodded and said with a smile, "Bao'er has been playing this afternoon. He only slept for a while. Later, ask the babysitter to let him sleep early after drinking some milk."

Qin Yi replied with a smile and left with the other maids.

Luo Qingyan had been listening to the gossip between the two. After Qin Yi left, he walked to the table and sat down. He poured a glass of wine, lowered his head and asked casually, "Bao'er... Is he naughty? "

Although Yun Shang was surprised that Luo Qingyan would ask about it, she was very happy in her heart. She sat beside Luo Qingyan and replied with a smile, "No, he won't. Our Bao'er is so obedient. Even Grandma said that our Bao'er was easy to take care of. He seldom cries or recognizes strangers."


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