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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 898

The faces of Du Houjun and his sister were a little pale, and Yun Shang felt a little pity for them. She just remembered that Luo Qingyan had told her before that except for the second place, the other two were his people.

Yun Shang looked up at Luo Qingyan and saw that he looked as usual, so she didn't say anything.

After thinking for a while, Xia Huanyu smiled and changed the topic, "All right. Just forget it. The Crown Prince is always cold and expressionless. He has frightened others all the time, but he doesn't know it yet. I heard that in addition to dancing, there are also some folk acrobatics today. Liu Wenan, call them in and let us have a look."

Liu Wenan nodded and clapped his hands. Then a group of people with face paintings came in, but they were all ugly, not like the ones in a play. The last few people were much taller than the others, and they came in on stilts.

Yun Shang had heard about the coastal areas before. In order to make it convenient for fishing, many people had mastered the skills of fishing on high legs. However, Yun Shang had never been to the seaside, and it was the first time for her to see such a performance. She admired them very much when she saw them stepping on the tall wooden pole like walking on the ground.

The joyful music rang, and the acrobatic artists on the stilts danced with it. Some of them held torches in their hands and started to spit out the fire. Some of them kept throwing iron rings. Some of them were folding Arhats together, almost reaching the beams of the hall.

Everyone was watching intently, so was Luo Qingyan. But Yun Shang always felt that he was not concentrated, but in a daze.

A flame suddenly sprang up, extremely high. Everyone exclaimed again. Then, the person who blew out the fire stepped on the stilt and climbed on the shoulder of another person who was performing on the stilts. And the second person was not affected at all and went on dancing.

Another flame sprang up. All the people in the hall were attracted by the fire, but Yun Shangsaw that the hands who were performing the fire held the top side of the stilts. Then, the sound of unsheathing the swords was heard. Those people suddenly pulled out their swords from the tall bamboo pole and flew towards Xia Huanyu.

All the people in the hall came to their senses. Yun Shang was about to stand up, but Luo Qingyan held her hand. When Yun Shang came to her senses, Luo Qingyan had already picked up a knife to cut the pear. He jumped up from his seat and flew over.

Yun Shang was shocked and stared at Luo Qingyan. His figure was unpredictable. With a whoosh, the sound of swords colliding came through.

"Ah..." only then did the hall let out a series of screams. The timid people stepped back and hid in a corner, trembling slightly as they watched the situation in the hall changed.

The following artists all pounced on Xia Huanyu. Yun Shang saw many black bodyguards jump down from the beams of the hall and fight with them. Xia Huanyu held Empress Hua in his arms, and Liu Wenan stood in front of Xia Huanyu. He waved the duster in his hand, and Yun Shang found that there was a deep internal force flowing between the duster.

Yun Shang lowered her head. It was said that Liu Wenan was a kung fu master, but Yun Shang had never seen Liu Wenan make a move. However, when Liu Wenan swung the duster, it could be seen that he was very good at Kung Fu.


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