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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 977

"Later, when I kept it from you, I always wondered how you would react when you knew these things. Then I dared not tell you. I thought there were many superb doctors in the world and I could definitely find a way to cure you. I thought it would be the best if you could be cured before you even knew it."

A bloodthirsty light flashed through Luo Qingyan's eyes. "I've been cautious for a few months, but I didn't expect that it was me who put the person who shouldn't have been with you by your side."

Yun Shang choked with sobs and didn't say anything. Luo Qingyan said softly, "Doctor Xue Yan prescribed you some medicine to strengthen your body. I ordered someone to put it in your daily diet. And the thing like ink you found in the vase last time was also put by me. It's good for your health. Besides, I heard that Ghost Doctor is more skilled than Doctor Xue Yan. There must be a way to cure you and Chengye. But he is now in the State of Ning, and I have written to invite him to treat you and Chengye."

Leaning against Luo Qingyan's chest, Yun Shang felt better. Luo Qingyan patted Yun Shang on the back and said, "Shang'er, no matter what happens, you still have me. Honey, don't cry. If you cry, I don't know what to do.

Yun Shang knew that things were not as smooth as Luo Qingyan thought. Now someone was trying to make these two things public, and Li Lanyi and Chen Miaosi were the best examples. Although Li Lanyi was dead, Xia Houjing would not let go of this opportunity.

Luo Qingyan was the emperor. How could an emperor have an infertile empress? How could there be only a prince with mental disease? It was very likely that she and Bao'er would become the biggest weakness of Luo Qingyan.

Moreover, even though Luo Qingyan could think of looking for Ghost Doctor, Xia Houjing might also have thought of that.

She and Luo Qingyan seemed to have entered a dead end. There were only two ways to break the situation. The first one was that Luo Qingyan selected a concubine and gave birth to a prince. Second, if Luo Qingyan quitted the throne, the three of them would be free and wouldn't get involved in these disputes.

But either of them made her feel extremely difficult.

Luo Qingyan patted Yun Shang's back and comforted her in a low voice.

After a long silence, Yun Shang raised her red and swollen eyes and whispered, "I'm hungry."

Seeing her like this, Luo Qingyan was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh. He nodded and let her lie on the bed. He said softly, "Okay, I'll ask someone to prepare some food for you. What do you want to eat?"

"Osmanthus cake." Yun Shang raised her sleeve and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes.

Luo Qingyan hurried out of the bedroom. As soon as he opened the bead curtain and walked out, he saw that there were only Qin Yi and Qian Zhuo guarding at the door of the main hall, staring at the door.

Luo Qingyan was stunned for a moment, and then understood. Qin Yi and Qian Zhuo must have known the reason. They were worried about Yun Shang, but they were afraid that something would be heard by someone else, so they guarded the door.

Luo Qingyan glanced at Qin Yi and ordered in a low voice, "Ask the kitchen to make some osmanthus cakes and bring them here. Then make some millet porridge."

Qin Yi replied softly and hurried out of the inner hall.

After a moment's silence, Luo Qingyan walked up to Qian Zhuo and said in a low voice, "Contact my secret guards. Yesterday, I asked someone to send Chen Miaosi away. Tell them to find her and deal with her."

A hint of joy flashed through Qian Zhuo's eyes when she heard this. She quickly agreed. After a pause, she continued, "If you just kill her, I think it's too easy for her. Your Majesty, can you let me decide what to do with her?"

Luo Qingyan took a look at Qian Zhuo. He knew that she must hate Chen Miaosi bery much because of what happened to Yun Shang. He nodded slightly and said, "It's up to you."

Qian Zhuo quickly responded, with a fierce look in her eyes. She looked at the bead curtain that was still shaking, and thought to herself, "How dare you hurt my master! Don't blame me for being merciless. She planned to tell Qian Qian about it. She would just tell her that Chen Miaosi meant to hurt master and the little master without mentioning their health condition.

Qian Zhuo sneered. Qian Qian was good at dealing with this kind of people. She would make her in a living hell.

When Luo Qingyan returned to the room, he saw that Yun Shang was still staring blankly at the top of the bed embroidered with phoenixes. Luo Qingyan lay down beside Yun Shang, took her in his arms, and changed the topic to distract her. "Do you know why I brought Liu Yinfeng here today though I don't like to see you get in touch with him?"

Yun Shang glanced at him and said nothing.

Luo Qingyan smiled and said, "Because I got the news that Liu Yinfeng has a map of Xia Houjing's military defense. I thought he liked you, so I took him to see the poor you. Maybe he will be softhearted when he sees you and hand over the map voluntarily? "

Yun Shang knew that he was just joking, but she couldn't help feeling soft in her heart. After a long silence, she remembered another thing. "Why is Xia Houjing's military deployment map in Liu Yinfeng's hand?"


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