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Rebirth of the Phoenix Princess novel Chapter 995

When Yun Shang returned to the Weiyang Palace, she saw Liu Wenan standing in the main hall. Seeing Yun Shang come in, he bowed to her and greeted, "Your Majesty, you're back? I just heard that there was an accident at the spring banquet just now. Is your majesty all right?"

Yun Shang shook her head with a smile and said softly, "There are people who want to do something to me, but this time I'm really lucky, but let lady Cao suffer for me. Yes? Has his majesty known about it? "

Yun Shang was surprised. It happened only a short while ago. How did Luo Qingyan know about it? If he knew this, he would be worried again.

Liu Wenan hurriedly replied, "His Majesty doesn't know yet. I just heard the news when I arrived at the Weiyang Palace."

"Oh?" Yun Shang was taken aback. She paused for a moment and asked, "Master Liu, what can I do for his majesty in the Weiyang Palace then?"

Hearing this, Liu Wenan smiled and joked, "His Majesty has just got an extremely beautiful parrot, and this parrot is very capable. It can read poems and talk with others to relieve boredom. His majesty ordered me to bring it to you."

Yun Shang raised her eyebrows and looked helpless. She didn't understand why Luo Qingyan seemed to be interested in sending her gifts recently. Since the other day, he sent her a guqin, he had sent her gifts frequently. Not to mention all kinds of jewelry, but today, he even sent her such a living thing. While Yun Shang was thinking, Liu Wenan took up the cage beside and walked over. The bird in the cage was really beautiful, with colorful feathers and a plume on the top of its head.

"Come. Pay respects to hier majesty," Liu Wenan whistled and said to the bird.

The bird jumped in the cage and turned to look at Yun Shang. It opened its beak and said in a somewhat comical female voice, "Greetings to your majesty. Hail Your Majesty!"

Yun Shang burst into laughter. Although its voice sounded a little funny, it spoke with clear articulation and a mellow tune.

"It can play means," Yun Shang smiled, "Take it in and hang it in my bedroom."

As soon as Yun Shang finished speaking, the bird jumped up in the cage while repeating, "Hang it in the bedroom. Hang it in the bedroom. There is a beauty in the bedroom. There is a beauty in the bedroom."

Yun Shang couldn't help but burst into laughter, "It is a girl. Why does it act like a playboy?"

With a smile, Liu Wenan carried the birdcage into the bedroom, hung it by the window, and was about to leave. Yun Shang thought for a while before she ordered softly, "If his majesty asks, tell him that something happened to Lady Cao, and I'm not hurt at all. I'll explain it to him in detail when he comes back tonight. If he heard that someone wanted to hurt me, he would be anxious."

Liu Wenan bowed and left.

Yun Shang went to the table and took a small piece of cake. She walked to the birdcage and stretched out her hand. The bird pecked the cake in Yun Shang's hand and swallowed it up before saying, "Yummy, yummy."

Yun Shang smiled, "You little thing, how can you know whether it's delicious or not? Just eat as you like."

The bird swallowed the cake, turned around and shouted happily, "Beauty, beauty."

Yun Shang lowered her head and smiled, "You are female. You should call handsome brother."

The bird followed Yun Shang's orders and called, "Handsome brother, handsome brother."

Seeing this, Yun Shang couldn't help laughing. The bird seemed to have learned a new word and was very happy. It kept repeating it. Yun Shang was annoyed. She fed it two more cakes and finally covered its beak.

After a short while, Qian Zhuo brought Yu Nian in. When she saw the bird cage by the window, she blinked in surprise and said, "Your Majesty, where did you get this bird? It is so beautiful."

Yun Shang rolled her eyes secretly, thinking that the bird was about to start again. As soon as she thought of it, she heard the parrot cry, "It's good-looking. I'm good-looking."

Qian Zhuo laughed and said, "It's the first time I've seen such a proud parrot. It's so interesting."

Yun Shang was afraid that the bird would keep screaming. She took a look at Yu Nian, who was standing quietly next to her, and raised her head to tell Qian Zhuo, "It's from his majesty. Take it outside and feed it some tea. There's no need to feed it any dessert. I'll talk to Master Yu for a while."

Qian Zhuo took the bird cage went out of the inner hall.

Yun Shang picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea. Then she walked to a chair and sat down. She looked up at Yu Nian and said, "The poison of sappan root is very dangerous."

Lowering her head, Yu Nian answered, "If it's not dangerous, people will easily find out the flaw. Although the poison of sappan root is a little strong, I'm sure about it. Besides, Lady Cao didn't have much contact with it, so there wouldn't be any accident."

[5 S- ] tapped on the armrest of the chair and nodded, "If there was an accident, you wouldn't be standing here safe and sound."

Lowering her head, Yu Nian didn't say anything. Yun Shang smiled, rubbed her sore shoulder, and said indifferently, "When you go back later, you tell everyone in the Shangyi Bureau that someone has tampered with the dye for dancing clothes. I suspect that someone in the imperial household wanted to kill me, so I ordered an investigation to start with the Shangyi Bureau, and then all the other palaces. We have to investigate all the people in the imperial palace who have private contacts with any others."

Yu Nian obeyed noted down in details what Yun Shang had ordered.

Yun Shang narrowed her eyes slightly and kept silent for a long time. Then she said softly, "You just need to help me to make this lake of the imperial household more chaotic and muddy, so that people will be panic, until some people who have evil thoughts think that they have a chance."


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