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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter) novel Chapter 1


I was dead

I bit the dust the night he forced me to lure a killer all to protect his new flame. After I kicked the bucket, they turned my body into an exhibit and stuck me in a glass display case for eternity

But Dexter Fitzgerald just lost his marbles

Sea City, the Fitzgerald Mansion 

couldn’t figure out why my spirit ended up back at this joint after I took a big sleep

Still no word from Phoebe? It’s been days,Dexter’s mother Hailey muttered under her breath as she parked on the couch. That kid’s always been a goody two shoes; she wouldn’t just ghost my calls. What if something’s happened to her?” 

I was the Fitzgerald family’s adopted girl, shipped over to their pad when I was eighteen

My mom was Hailey’s BFF. After my folks passed away in a car wreck, she scooped me up and brought me to the Fitzgeralds

Mom, just let it be. She’s a big girl; what could possibly go wrong?Dexter was getting antsy and glancing at the time. Today’s Melody’s birthday bashI gotta jet.” 

Watching Dexter, I couldn’t help but snicker at myself. Like he’d give a damn if I was dead or alive

Back in the day, we were the childhood sweethearts everybody raved about. Me, always following him around; him, always holding my hand


He said he dug me, and then like a complete idiot, I fell head over heels for him for a whole decade

Turned out young love was paper thin. When Dexter met his true love, all the feelings we had went up in smoke in the blink of an eye

DexterWith that serial killer jazz going around targeting young, pretty girls, I’ve got this twitch in my eye and my heart’s racing nonstop. Hit up Phoebe, tell her I miss her,Hailey was. on edge and pleaded quietly

After my parents were six feet under, Hailey was the only one soothing and caring for me like a mother; she was treating me like her own flesh and blood

I wanted to comfort her, to give her a hug, but I couldn’t do squat now

Even worseI was the reason she was in knots

Hailey, I’m so sorryMy voice choked up, arms outstretched, trying to embrace her, but I couldn’t touch her no matter how hard I tried

She’s just an ungrateful woman. She shouldn’t have hung up on you even if she was mad at 


  1. me. She’s got a hardon.Dexter was loaded with disgust as he mentioned me

I remembered that year when Dexter got sideswiped by kidnappers. I played the decoy like a madwoman, just praying he’d make it out alive

I still heard him murmuring right before he passed out, Phoebe, I’ll always be good to you” 

Now that love’s gone, I was just the ingrate he’s griping about

Dexter, I’m six feet under, and you’re finally off the hook,I stood in front of him, mocking myself. Turns out I’ve always been nothing but an ungrateful woman to you.” 

Hailey said. Dexter, I know you don’t wanna tie the knot with Phoebe, but you guys were set. from the start and childhood sweethearts with a solid foundation. You’re already an item; if you don’t marry her, how am I supposed to face her mom?” 

Dexter’s face turned stormy, his voice icy. Cut the childhood sweethearts crap. Why I gottal marry her just because we grew up together? She’s delusional by using a childhood promise as an excuse to throw herself at me, dignity be damned.” 

I was shaking with rage. I swung at him but hit nothing but air, Dexter, you bastard!” 

That night, it was him who went nuts and laid hands on me in bed. And he also had the nerve to claim I played him

Dexter took off, and my spirit had no choice but to tag along to Melody Burton’s birthday bash

As soon as we walked in, Dexter’s buddies started calling Melody Mrs. Fitzgerald!” 

Happy birthday. Mrs. Fitzgerald! Dexter broke the bank to make your day special.” 

Dexter smiled fondly at Melody, presenting his gift amid cheers from the crowd

Dexter, any news from Phoebe?Melody asked quietly as if something just crossed her mind

I snorted, Playing the good guy, huh? Weren’t you the one who did me in?” 

Dexter frowned, Don’t kill the vibe by bringing her up.” 

Melody just smiled, She’s still your sister, after all. Don’t be like that.” 

Sister?Dexter scoffed. She almost got you killed and you’re still sticking up for her? You’re 

too nice.” 

Melody hugged Dexter, getting all cutesy in his arms. I don’t mindshe muttered

Standing in front of Dexter, I desperately tried to explain. I didn’t do it! I never hurt her, and it was her! She’s the one who got me killed!I exclaimed. Dexter! She’s the one who killed me!” 

But Dexter couldn’t hear a thing

I cried and shouted, explain myself like a madwoman. I suddenly felt drained after getting my throat dry by explaining

But Dexter never trusted me



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