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Reborn In a Murderer’s Embrace (Dexter) novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 

Mr. FitzgeraldThe driver glanced back nervously at Dexter

Dexter didn’t say a word; instead, he let out a sudden chuckle, Let’s roll.” 

“If that Foebe dame leaks the recordingThe driver worried about Dexter’s reputation getting dragged through the mud

She wouldn’t dare.Dexter seemed brimming with confidence. I’ve got ways to make her come begging to me.” 

I was hiding behind the door, heaving a sigh of relief as Dexter left

The man was ruthless, stopping at nothing to get what he wanted. I had dodged a bullet this time, but I might not be so lucky the next

I figured he’d only connected the dots between Foebe and those street kids but hadn’t nailed down any solid link between Foebe and the murderer

Taking a deep breath, I felt a headache coming on

What exactly was the connection between Foebe and the murderer

Was she feeding and helping these kids just to coax them into murder? Was the woman really that monstrous

The reunion had shown me that Foebe was a woman with a particularly timid and insecure nature; she was easily manipulated

Could it be that she had turned vicious after being bullied so hard

My heart was in turmoil, fearing that if I kept digging and the trail led to the woman Foebe. And that would make me a witch in Salem trial

The last thing I needed was to end up in the slammer before the real culprit was found. That would be the ultimate downer

PhoebeAs I stepped into the living room, there was Colin. He seemed flustered, probably woke up and didn’t find me around

I’m here,I quickly soothed him

Colin rushed over and embraced me tightly, I thoughtyou didn’t want me anymore.” 

He was shaking, his voice also quivering. He seemed to live each day in terror and fear

The living room was abuzz with outrage; the clan was making a ruckus again

We need a straight answer on this; the old man can’t make decisions now, and we’ve got mouths to feed, right? Why should our gravy train stop?” 

Yeah, what gives that lunatic the right to cut off the dough the Langley family owes us?” 

Chapter 164

This time it wasn’t Henry leading the charge but the other branches of the Langley family, demanding their monthly stipends

Eric had told me that in better days, Brendan, out of a sense of kinship, would dole out living allowances to the Langley relatives every month, the amount based on how closely related they were

The old man falls ill, and Colin cuts them off? No wonder they were up in arms

Puzzled, I looked at Colin. You cut off their allowances?” 

Colin nodded innocently, Why should I give to them? I’d rather feed dogs” 

I took a deep breath, wanting to give Colin a thumbsup. Even a dog knows to bite the hand. of an intruder

But those people were just leeches

Besides, charity begets disdain; the Langley family had no obligation to support these people. And after years of doing so, they’d raised a pack of ingrates

I’m telling you, Caleb Langley, we don’t acknowledge you as part of the Langley family. You’re a madman, and you better get out of the Langley estate and give us what’s ours, or we won’t let this go,the old lady at the front spat venomously. She seemed like Brendan’s cousin


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